5 ways to be more effective today

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2019

I’ve never met a logical thinker who didn’t want to be more effective! My goal is to help logical thinkers achieve their goals and dreams…and a major piece of this is learning how to make the most of each day. 

Today’s topic is how to become more effective in your day. To me, being effective means that the energy spent moved you toward your goals. I’ll share 5 ways that you can implement TODAY to become more effective from wherever you are. Each idea turns up the dial of your output. Implement them how it works best for you, but I do encourage you to implement something from what you hear today.

Here’s a summary of them all, and the post covers each one more in depth. 

  1. Take 10 minutes at the beginning of the day to set your priorities. If you actually stop and identify your priorities, they will be on your mind throughout the day. This becomes a focal point that allows you to make course corrections as the day progresses – you...
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Confessions of an information junkie

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2019

Who is the information junkie I am referring to in this title?  Well, it’s me, but I bet it’s you too!

Logical thinkers often put themselves into this category.  We love information!  We love knowing things, we love learning things, we love figuring things out.  I am with you – it’s probably my favorite thing to.  I’m not going to say that’s a bad thing at all!  However, there is something to watch out for, when you are an information junkie, that can be an obstacle to actually seeing improvement in your life.

This obstacle is being more concerned with HAVING information than USING information.  This is the difference between POTENTIAL energy and KINETIC energy.  Potential energy is unrealized!  Its definition is “having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.”  Notice that the definition did not say “developing into something,” it said...

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The investment with a guaranteed return

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2019

What if I told you there was one investment you could make that has a guaranteed high rate of return?

Most people would want to know so that they could immediately invest. This is what all people seem to be looking for, yet most misuse this investment every day.

The investment you make, that I can guarantee a return on, is the investment you make with your ATTENTION.

Wherever you place you attention, you will receive that back, you will move closer to it. Be deliberate with it. Be judicious with it.

Just think about a simple example of going to a movie. You spent 2 hours with your attention devoted to it. What did you get when you left? Most likely, more thoughts about that movie, more conversations about that movie.

Your life moved for a bit in the direction of that movie. If there is a place you want your life to go, you must be paying attention to more things in that direction. Cut out negativity; cut out the extraneous and the frivolous. We don’t have to be perfect with...

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My best piece of advice

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2019

If you want to create change in your life, this is my single best piece of advice. The advice I am about to share relates to a common trap for logical thinkers. This trap, that immediately puts a roadblock in front of you on your path to creating more, is the idea that we have to have the whole plan figured out from start to finish before we can start.

That is not the case. My best advice for you is – whatever goal you have that you are committed to achieving, start by taking a single step that you know will move you toward where you want to go.

There is a quote I love that very clearly states this advice: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

This action alone makes a huge difference in your ability to create results – the difference that can mean success or failure. I have an example from my own life that illustrates this point. I’ve trained for a marathon...

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How to increase the value of 5 minutes

Uncategorized Aug 25, 2019

Today’s topic discusses a big component of being able to create more of what you want in life. Even if you start the day out well, most people end up on a trajectory they didn’t intend to as the day progresses. Typically, our attitude defaults to the happenings of the day, rather than being something consciously generated by us.

We all have the same amount of time in a day – the difference is that those who get more of what they want increase the value of their minutes. Just 5 minutes can make the difference, and today I am giving you 3 things you can implement today to bring that advantage into your own life.

We vastly undervalue the importance of 5 minutes. For me, I most notice the significance of small amounts of time when I am waiting for food to heat up in the microwave. While it seems like we can’t do anything significant in 5 minutes, we find that it is actually a meaningful amount of time when we are standing there…

What do you do when nothing...

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Achieving life balance

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2019

Today’s topic is one that is the subject of many articles, because it is central to finding fulfillment in life –achieving life balance.  I have a specific way of looking at this goal that I think a logical thinker would resonate with, and that is what I want to share with you in this talk.

First, we must begin with a clear definition of what balance means in this context.  Throughout the Logical Evolution Framework, we start with a definition when we discuss the major components.  This is a key to better results!  We can’t know what we are aiming for or if we are there yet if we are not sure what it looks like.

My definition of “life balance” is simple – it means that your life reflects your priorities.  This brings up two key pieces of information that you need in order to evaluate whether you are in that balance.  First, you must know what you think your priorities are.  Second, you must know what your life...

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Three easy ways to broaden your perspective

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2019

There is one guarantee I can make to you if you are looking to change your life – you will have to adjust the perspective you have today.  Specifically, you will have to broaden it.

Today, I am going to give you 3 easy ways to do it – things you can implement immediately.

  1. Read! There are many choices when it comes to reading for a broader perspective.  Fiction is one of my favorites because I can actually understand the character’s perspective from the inside.  It allows me to essentially live a part of life from a completely new perspective, as if I was a different person.
  2. Ask questions – replace your assumptions with questions. Start with ways that feel accessible and help you gain insight to another’s point of view.  Simple, sincere questions can help others open up and connect with you.
  3. Train in gratitude. If we are in a complaining place, by definition we have narrowed our perspective of life to one or two things that are not...
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What do flossing and meditation have in common?

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2019

Sometimes you need to just need to talk about something lighthearted!  The best-case scenario is that you can enjoy something funny that still actually provides information supportive of your goals.  This is my intention today!

Today’s big question is: What do flossing and meditation have in common?  I hope that what I share with you will give you a way to remember why you need to follow through with your meditation practice, or start one.

What I don’t cover in this post is why to start a meditation practice.  That is the subject of many articles and books, so I’m guessing that you have already been exposed to a lot of that reasoning.  I’ve mentioned it in some of my previous videos as well.  The purpose of this post is to help you actually do it.

Meditation (not flossing) does have a central role in the Logical Evolution Framework – to access the laws that are more subtle and more effective in manifesting, you need to be...

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Intuition - When should you follow it?

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2019

The topic today is intuition.  Specifically – when should you listen to it? 

Intuition is actually a scientific topic, and has a place in the Logical Evolution Framework.  Intuition is a part of the Coherent Paradigm, which corresponds to the realm of string theory.  On the deepest level of the universe there’s an organizing vibration.  Matter, or life, will arrange itself around that pattern.  Part of the system of how our inner intentions become reality in our lives is through the messages of intuition.

Because the messages of intuition are based on our changing state of being, it may not always be in our best interest to listen to that intuition.  I’ll elaborate on this idea.

First, let’s define intuition.  I define it this way: that inner voice that comes up from how we are being and suggests things to us that will help perpetuate that way of being.  The dictionary defines it like this: a thing that one knows...

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What to do when you're discouraged

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2019

Even logical thinkers get discouraged!  Today’s topic is meant to help you with providing strategic action you can take to turn around your moments of discouragement. 

This is not a motivational talk – I am not trying to make you feel better by pumping you up.  This is a scientific talk that I do hope will make you feel better but will do it by explaining the science of the problem to you.  I know that understanding the logic of why this happens will help you connect with the suggestions I offer.  By working with these suggestions, you will gain access to different results.

I’m guessing that you have big goals that may take some significant time and effort to reach, and there are times that we simply are feeling the reality of not yet reaching that goal.  It’s a natural part of the process.  However, what I’m about to share with you today will explain that there’s a scientific reason why we get stuck and what...

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