Intuition - When should you follow it?

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2019

The topic today is intuition.  Specifically – when should you listen to it? 

Intuition is actually a scientific topic, and has a place in the Logical Evolution Framework.  Intuition is a part of the Coherent Paradigm, which corresponds to the realm of string theory.  On the deepest level of the universe there’s an organizing vibration.  Matter, or life, will arrange itself around that pattern.  Part of the system of how our inner intentions become reality in our lives is through the messages of intuition.

Because the messages of intuition are based on our changing state of being, it may not always be in our best interest to listen to that intuition.  I’ll elaborate on this idea.

First, let’s define intuition.  I define it this way: that inner voice that comes up from how we are being and suggests things to us that will help perpetuate that way of being.  The dictionary defines it like this: a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

The basic difference between intuition and other thoughts we have are the lack of reasoning involved.  Instead of something we figure out or deduce with logic, it is something we just “feel” is true.  This is another indication that it is a Coherent Paradigm function.

As I mentioned earlier, the Coherent Paradigm propagates to the other paradigms.  I go into this more in my course and other videos, but the bottom line is that the message or vibration we send from the Coherent Paradigm is based on our intention or state of being.  Simply put, this state of being can be either expanded or contracted.  An expanded state of being is positive – it feels joyful, content, confident, and capable.  A contracted state is negative – it feels anxious, depleted, unsure, and afraid.

The messages of intuition simply give you ideas that are based on this state.  If you are in a contracted state, the messages will provide information on decisions or actions that will move you toward your goals.  If you are in a contracted state, the messages will encourage you to move away from your goals. 

Our big goals are typically made from a place of expansion.  We feel positive and excited when we set out to achieve something big!  What happens then is that we start to work toward that goal, and we come across challenges.  Those challenges can sometimes change our state of being to a more contracted one.  Our intuition seems to be telling us to give up on the goal.  This is where we must be mindful! 

Be wary of the “intuition” you are getting when in a contracted state.  Remember that your inner voice is going to try and lead you more toward your current state of being.  Therefore, the most supportive thing to do at this point is to shift yourself back into an expanded state.  There are many ways to do that – self-talk, music, movement, walk or exercise, journaling.  Find what works for you. 

I hope this helped you today, and please reach out to me if there are other ways I can support you on your path to the life you love!


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