What is an authentic self?

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2019

Today’s topic follows really well on the heels of last week’s blog, which explained the science of intention. Last week I talked about how our lives are a reflection of the vibration we carry through intention, and I challenged you to be the generator of your intention.

The reason that is a challenge is because it is easy to just pass on the intention you are exposed to from others. When people speak these days about “being your authentic self,” it seems to simply be an excuse to be lazy with intention. Unless there’s a lot of training and guidance that comes along with that recommendation, it’s really not what is going to help you achieve what you desire in life.

The definition of authentic is GENUINE – generated from within you, not something passed from others.  Being authentic is to be genuine, sincere, and heartfelt. This is the opposite of just propagating intention from others.

So how do you know if you are “being your...

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The Science of Intention

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2019

Today, I am sharing with you one BIG IDEA guaranteed to make a difference in your life, should you choose to apply it. I provide 3 tangible examples to help illustrate it, and I issue you a challenge to implement what you’ve discovered.

In the Logical Evolution Framework, paradigm to live from for the most effective and efficient life change is the COHERENT PARADIGM, which is aligned with String Theory in science. Science tells us that the material of the universe is organizing itself according to the vibration present. In our lives, the way we generate vibration is through INTENTION.

Intention is a vibratory pattern. Your life is organized around the vibration you are emitting.  The way that you use the power of vibration to make changes in your life is through your intention.

Three tangible examples:

  1. Messages from water. Masasru Emoto. Water was exposed to words, pictures, or music and the crystals were then photographed. Water from the same source showed a different...
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The key to shifting your paradigm and three ways to start

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2019

Once you know you need a paradigm shift (see last week’s blog), how do you help make it happen? You need to change the SCALE you are looking at. In science, going deeper into understanding means looking at things that are smaller. In life, going deeper into understanding means looking at things that are more subtle. Here are three ways to take your awareness deeper, through which you will experience paradigm shifts in your life!

  1. Breath awareness. Changing your breathing is a direct example of how you can save yourself significant time and energy. If you have ever noticed that when you are stressed, you limit your ability to see solutions because you are in a fight or flight state.  If you take the time – just minutes – to change your breathing to a calm pattern, more possibilities are available and solutions come more easily. If you develop an awareness of your breath, you can keep yourself in that paradigm more often.
  2. Emotions/thought awareness. Our emotions...
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3 signs your life needs a paradigm shift

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2019

The term PARADIGM is essential to understanding how to create effective and efficient life change. Just as there are three distinct paradigms in science – Newton’s Laws, Quantum physics, and String Theory – there are three different paradigms available to you in living your life.

If you are trying to make small shifts you probably don’t need to shift your paradigm, but if you are looking for major shifts – say a financial goal of earning $1000 more a month versus $10 – you will inevitably need to move into a new paradigm to have it happen.

As they discover how the world works, scientists are pushed to the next paradigm in these exact same ways. These three signs below can tell you that you are in need of a paradigm shift if you want to see the changes in life that you are looking for.

  1. You have trouble seeing possibilities beyond what you already have. One big indication that you need a paradigm shift is that you have come to believe the limits...
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Using Newton's First Law of Motion to change your life

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2019

Our lives are science, and they follow the laws! We can use this knowledge to improve our lives with more speed and efficiency if we just know where to look for the parallels.

Newton’s First Law of Motion – An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

There is an equivalent “First Law of Living” in my Logical Evolution Framework – Your life will keep looking like it does now unless you apply a force to your thoughts and get them moving in a different direction.

What changes do you want to make? What can you bring into your life – through books, conversations, friends, classes, relationships – that will push you toward that goal? With this information, you can be much more strategic in how you apply “unbalanced forces” to create your desired changes in life!

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Did you know that your thoughts LITERALLY have momentum?

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2019

Momentum is just one example of my Logical Evolution framework applied in your life.  In the physical world we talk about objects, but in the mental world their parallel is the THOUGHT.

Using this connection and the equation for momentum, you can see clearly how to DIRECTLY create change in your life!

Mass = Attachment

Velocity = Influence

Change these and your life will change…it’s physics! 


What you can benefit from by looking at life logically like this is that you don’t have to wonder if it is going to work. It’s literally a law.

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3 ways you may be preventing your own success

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2019


Do you have a goal you’ve been working toward that you’ve not yet reached? Take a look at these three ways that I’ve seen logical thinkers prevent themselves from making progress toward their goals and ask if any or all of these could be contributing. You may just get the breakthrough you need!

#1 – Judging yourself too harshly. We are far too critical of ourselves. Which person are you going to confide in – the one who berates and belittles you or the one who compliments and supports you?  The answer is obvious. Now ask which of those people you are to yourself. In order to make significant progress in life, we need to be able to be honest with ourselves. If we know that a criticism awaits us, we are going to subconsciously withhold essential information from ourselves. Give yourself an advantage by giving yourself a break.

#2 – Using an all-or-nothing approach. It’s great to have a lofty goal you want to reach. It’s...

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