3 ways you may be preventing your own success

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2019


Do you have a goal you’ve been working toward that you’ve not yet reached? Take a look at these three ways that I’ve seen logical thinkers prevent themselves from making progress toward their goals and ask if any or all of these could be contributing. You may just get the breakthrough you need!

#1 – Judging yourself too harshly. We are far too critical of ourselves. Which person are you going to confide in – the one who berates and belittles you or the one who compliments and supports you?  The answer is obvious. Now ask which of those people you are to yourself. In order to make significant progress in life, we need to be able to be honest with ourselves. If we know that a criticism awaits us, we are going to subconsciously withhold essential information from ourselves. Give yourself an advantage by giving yourself a break.

#2 – Using an all-or-nothing approach. It’s great to have a lofty goal you want to reach. It’s self-defeating to try and get there overnight. For example, if you want to improve your fitness and you currently work out 0 times a week, it’s unrealistic to believe you will be able to immediately maintain a schedule of working out 5 times a week. Think in terms of building up, and remember that doing anything more than before is an improvement.

#3 – Focusing on the low-yield shifts. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to waste on things that aren’t adding up significantly toward my goal. If I want to shift my financial life, there’s going to be more impactful ways for me to do that than driving across town to get the best price on gas. There is going to probably be a lot of advice out there related to your specific goal, but not all are going to be equal for your results. Before taking any of the suggestions, consider which ones are going to affect your results the most because of your current habits. If you spend 2% of your budget on gas but 20% of it on eating out, you would get greater results for less effort by changing your eating out habits first.

I hope this helped you gain some clues on how to see more results. If only one thing applied, I hope that you act on it!

Until next time, be your best, and keep being evolutionary!


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