The key to shifting your paradigm and three ways to start

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2019

Once you know you need a paradigm shift (see last week’s blog), how do you help make it happen? You need to change the SCALE you are looking at. In science, going deeper into understanding means looking at things that are smaller. In life, going deeper into understanding means looking at things that are more subtle. Here are three ways to take your awareness deeper, through which you will experience paradigm shifts in your life!

  1. Breath awareness. Changing your breathing is a direct example of how you can save yourself significant time and energy. If you have ever noticed that when you are stressed, you limit your ability to see solutions because you are in a fight or flight state.  If you take the time – just minutes – to change your breathing to a calm pattern, more possibilities are available and solutions come more easily. If you develop an awareness of your breath, you can keep yourself in that paradigm more often.
  2. Emotions/thought awareness. Our emotions and thoughts are the next more subtle level to our breath.  If left unaware, our emotions and old thoughts drive a lot of our actions and keep us in a repeated pattern that is impossible to break out of if we don’t know that it is happening.  You know you are tapping into the benefits of this paradigm when you can allow yourself to feel emotions without feeling compelled to take action to relieve them.  This way, you get into a space where you can respond rather than react, which leads you to actions more likely to get you what you want.
  3. Intention awareness. Our intention is the most subtle level available to us. This is the deeper quality we bring to a situation. Instead of being present, often we are thinking of getting to the next thing rather than fully participating in the moment we are in with intention. Practice defining how you want to be within a moment and your results will greatly improve.

Start here with these paradigm-shifting actions and life will being to make amazing leaps!


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