The Science of Intention

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2019

Today, I am sharing with you one BIG IDEA guaranteed to make a difference in your life, should you choose to apply it. I provide 3 tangible examples to help illustrate it, and I issue you a challenge to implement what you’ve discovered.

In the Logical Evolution Framework, paradigm to live from for the most effective and efficient life change is the COHERENT PARADIGM, which is aligned with String Theory in science. Science tells us that the material of the universe is organizing itself according to the vibration present. In our lives, the way we generate vibration is through INTENTION.

Intention is a vibratory pattern. Your life is organized around the vibration you are emitting.  The way that you use the power of vibration to make changes in your life is through your intention.

Three tangible examples:

  1. Messages from water. Masasru Emoto. Water was exposed to words, pictures, or music and the crystals were then photographed. Water from the same source showed a different pattern depending on the intention it was exposed to.
  2. Cymatics. Different material is placed on a vibrating plate and exposed to sounds, the sounds change the pattern of the material. This is a telling visual of the physical power of vibration to change matter.
  3. Meditation experiment. A group of long-time meditators was able to effect the randomness of a random number generating machine. Coherent minds create coherent environments.

Your intention acts as a wave that propagates through the world and affects what and who you come into contact with. You can decide not to just blindly propagate the waves passed onto you by others; you can generate your own!


More about Messages from Water:


More about cymatics:


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