Logical vs. Linear

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2019

Today, I want to discuss an important distinction.  Many people are LOGICAL thinkers at heart, but have fallen into the trap of being a LINEAR thinker.  I want to talk about what they mean specifically, because these may seem to be the same thing, but they are actually very different. 

Linear thinking tends to create a prison, and logical thinking tends to create freedom!  So let’s look at what these two terms mean and which way your mind might be going.  If you are having trouble reaching any goals at the moment, then this might be a timely conversation for you.

Let’s look at the definition of LINEAR first.  The definition of LINEAR is:

  • Arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line
  • Progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps; sequential

The big point I want you to take from these definitions is the “straight line” reference.  When you are in linear thinking, then you tend to look...

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Are you somebody?

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2019

I want to share a favorite quote of mine today.  The reason I am choosing today’s post to share this is because we are in the holiday season now, which is generally a time of greater personal reflection.  If we have been too “busy” to look objectively at life or too caught up in the momentum of our day-to-day events, this time of year tends to encourage us to step back and reflect.

The quote I want to talk about is attributed to Lily Tomlin, who I think is hilarious!  She said: “I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I am somebody.”

There are three reasons I love this quote that I wanted to bring up to you today:

  • First, it encourages self-referencing. We are so quick to complain or look outside of ourselves to what we think other people should be doing.  Instead, this quote says: What are YOU doing?  It asks us to consider, what is my part in this, and why can’t I be part of the...
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Are you trying to GET somewhere or BE somewhere?

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2019

Today’s question is a good one for the logical thinker to consider.  I want to highlight a phenomenon that can befall the logical thinker.  I have definitely fallen into this trap many a time – so many times, in fact, that it is something I look out for regularly now.  That trap is falling under the spell of our lists – our TO DO lists!

There are many levels to creating our desired outcome, which I go into in depth in my course.  There are specific paradigms through which science is operating in creating the world we live in moment to moment, and our lives are not excluded from how this works.  Results are generated in our lives in the same way.  The simple fact is that we need to have all of the paradigms aligned in order to achieve the desired result.  

Unfortunately, we can often get focused on the steps that can lead us where we want to go but we can forget about why we want to go there.  We forget to take as much care in...

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Can you handle the truth?

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2019

Today’s question was inspired by the Jack Nicholson film A Few Good Men, and the famous courtroom scene.  When I have a heart-to-heart talk with others about truth, and connect with that powerful feeling about what it can truly do in our lives, I always hear that booming voice in the courtroom – “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”  Even years after seeing the movie, it still comes to my mind!

These words are really an important statement, and they beg us to ask the question of ourselves, Can I handle the truth? 

Many of us do see truth in that way that Jack Nicholson’s character is speaking to.  We want the truth when it is convenient, when it doesn’t challenge us, and doesn’t make us look at ourselves.  I am here today to point out that if there is some new place we want to go in life, we will absolutely have to do it. 

We need to look at our internal relationship with the truth.  We need to develop that...

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Are you following the directions?

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2019

I hope you are well, and I am glad you are here for this interesting question: Are you following the directions? 

My work overall, and this post specifically, is for those people out there like me – who connect with a logical approach to life and also want to see change happen more effectively in their lives.  There is a lot of logic applied in the realms of engineering, science, and finance, for example, but when it comes to our life goals there can be a void in logical explanations.  I bring logic to this area – designing our lives the way we want – because changing our lives actually does clearly follow the laws of physics!

I’m going to venture a guess…If you do have a goal right now that you are trying to reach, I am going to speculate that you have probably sought out knowledge about it already.  I’ll bet that you’ve researched or read some blogs or found some articles or listened to some podcasts…you have...

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3 Success Mindset Strategies

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2019

Today I share with you three specific mindset strategies for increasing your success in reaching your goals.  These are three things you can do with respect to using your mind that will help you move closer to those big goals you have for your life.

Everything I am talking about here is based on the Logical Evolution Framework, which is an explanation of how to change your life that is based on the laws of physics.  You don’t need to know all of that today, but if you find that you do want to learn more, just make sure you are opted in on my website.  I have a course coming out before the end of the year, and you’ll learn more about it through those emails.  Often, those of us who come from a logical background see personal development as illogical or esoteric.  In fact, though, it is scientifically based but it is just not usually presented that way.  

Our conversation today focuses on the mindset aspect.  As the Logical Evolution...

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Convenience or Conviction?

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2019

My question to you today is an important one!  Convenience or conviction – what are your choices being led by?  

This is an essential question if you are seeking to go somewhere in life you’ve never been.  If you want exactly the same thing you have now, by all means feel free to live by convenience – do what’s easy and habitual because it will continue to give you more of what you have now.  This is totally fine for some people, but I am guessing that’s not true for you.  I’m guessing that, like me, you want something more.

To have something different we need to do something different.  We must have conviction for our goals and that conviction must show up in our day-to-day choices.  If you want to know which you are being led by, look at your choices.  Look back each day on the major choices as they relate to your goal and ask yourself – was this choice a convenience choice or did it show conviction...

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Are you headed for burnout?

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2019

High achievers work hard! On the path to our big goals, we are vulnerable to the experience of burnout. I bet you have had this experience in the past, and it was not one you want to repeat. Today, I’ll share my definition of burnout, three signs you could be headed there (or are there!), and three ways to move out of it (or keep yourself out!).

My experience of burnout in the past is that I often don’t notice what is happening until I’m already in it. Over time, I have come to learn the signs so that I can see where I’m going before I get to that burnout state. My hope for you is that next time you find yourself on this trajectory, you’ll see that and be able to choose a different outcome. If you are feeling any of the signs I am about to cover, it is very good that you are here today!

Being burnt out means that we have been in a prolonged state of using more energy than we are generating. My definition of burnout is a prolonged state of negative...

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Innovation or Insanity?

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2019

Today, I have something for you to ponder related to achieving your big goals: Are you approaching them from innovation or insanity?

I’m talking today about a very common trap people get into when trying to reach a big goal, including many logical thinkers. If this is you, you may be unnecessarily stuck, and I hope today’s message helps! Unless you address this question – innovation or insanity – you will continue to feel like the more effort you put forth just tires you out rather than brings you more results.

The definition of innovate is to bring in something new, to make changes in something that has been established. It’s a new idea, a new approach, a new product.

On the other hand, the definition of insanity that is pretty commonly known is thinking that doing the same thing is going to give you different results.

Even though we know this logically, many logical thinkers tend to use their energy to work harder on something when they want different...

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Can you be logical and creative?

Uncategorized Sep 29, 2019

Can you be both logical and creative?  Have you ever asked yourself this question?

Many of my engineering friends say things like “I’m not that creative.”  They’ve defined “creative” to be the same as artistic and having the ability to specifically create art. 

I am here to broaden that definition!  The term “creative” has a much bigger definition than you think, and understanding that has a lot to do with your ability to reach your big dreams!  I also happen to think that being a logical thinker can actually make you even more effective in being creative because you have a knack for understanding the rules behind what makes things work.

“Creative” means the “ability to create,” and “create” means “to bring into existence.”  A creative person is someone who can bring something into existence.  You are, moment to moment, no question about it, creating...

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