Can you be logical and creative?

Uncategorized Sep 29, 2019

Can you be both logical and creative?  Have you ever asked yourself this question?

Many of my engineering friends say things like “I’m not that creative.”  They’ve defined “creative” to be the same as artistic and having the ability to specifically create art. 

I am here to broaden that definition!  The term “creative” has a much bigger definition than you think, and understanding that has a lot to do with your ability to reach your big dreams!  I also happen to think that being a logical thinker can actually make you even more effective in being creative because you have a knack for understanding the rules behind what makes things work.

“Creative” means the “ability to create,” and “create” means “to bring into existence.”  A creative person is someone who can bring something into existence.  You are, moment to moment, no question about it, creating your life, creating your story.  You are 100 percent involved in creating your day, your experience of the day, the way your life moves forward – every day.  You are the most responsible, most involved in this!  Every choice you make is bringing something into existence in the future.  My choices of what to eat and how I move my body contribute to how I create my future heath.  What I choose to read and study creates my future work or ability to serve others. 

You are a creator.  First, accept that role of being a creator because only then you can approach your role more deliberately. Every person is doing things daily to create the future, and it is your chance to change its course if you so desire!  This is the first point to take away from today’s message.

The second point is the part of creativity that implies originality.  To create is to bring something into the world that would not have been there without you.  This individualizing of the creative process is part of my Logical Evolution Framework.  We don’t have time to get into it in these few minutes we have together, so you can find out more by checking out my website and opting in to learn about my courses.  The main point I want to draw out of that framework to support today’s discussion is that originality is a major part of creating the future you want deliberately and seeing big goals come to fruition. 

One way of accomplishing this is to really look at the things you are thinking and either throw them out or make them your own.  Instead of letting your past and outside influences steer you around, ask yourself what you want to believe, how you want to approach things, and whether you really want to create what those influences have created!  There is a whole process for doing that as part of my framework.  But for today, understand that your “creativity” will improve the more you deeply look at your beliefs and thoughts.  Without that there is little chance you will end up where you want to be.  To bring something into existence that is original, you have to make this a part of it. You can’t put your own spin on your life without it.

So, to revisit the original question…Can you be both logical and creative?  The answer is a resounding yes.

Acknowledge today that you are creating your future and ask yourself if you want to start doing it deliberately.  Think about what you are thinking; think about your decisions and how they are propagating into your future.  You are a creator whether you thought you were or not!  You are a creator whether you can draw or sculpt or paint.  We are all creators!


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