3 Success Mindset Strategies

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2019

Today I share with you three specific mindset strategies for increasing your success in reaching your goals.  These are three things you can do with respect to using your mind that will help you move closer to those big goals you have for your life.

Everything I am talking about here is based on the Logical Evolution Framework, which is an explanation of how to change your life that is based on the laws of physics.  You don’t need to know all of that today, but if you find that you do want to learn more, just make sure you are opted in on my website.  I have a course coming out before the end of the year, and you’ll learn more about it through those emails.  Often, those of us who come from a logical background see personal development as illogical or esoteric.  In fact, though, it is scientifically based but it is just not usually presented that way.  

Our conversation today focuses on the mindset aspect.  As the Logical Evolution Framework explains, you must create the conditions you seek internally before you can experience them externally.  This is actually a science-based statement – mindset is the personal development application of physics’ string theory.  Mindset is something you literally see show up around you in your life every day; it is the way life comes back to you.

Here are three mindset strategies that you can start to use today on your path to your big goals.

Mindset strategy number 1:  Be Proactive.

When you are seeking to reach a goal, you must ask yourself – What CAN I do?  The goal may be so big that you are not sure what the full path will look like, but I bet you know at least one thing you can do to move you forward.  This action actually sets you up for knowing and being able to execute the next step.  I may not be able to see around a corner, but if I walk up to that corner I’ll be able to look around it once I get there.  Are you taking all the responsibility and action that you can in moving toward the goal?  The goal will never just land in your lap!

Mindset strategy number 2: Be Generous.

I consider this related to gratitude, but I find that generosity typically encompasses gratitude.  It is tough to be generous if you are not starting from a place of gratitude.  When you are in this mindset, you are looking for ways to give.  Where can you give more, where do you feel a level of abundance that allows you to feel free to give to others?  I’m suggesting simple ways here:  Can you allow the car to merge in front of you?  Can you spend 5 minutes listening to your child with full attention?  The importance in challenging yourself to give where you can keeps the fear of scarcity at bay.  This fear will prevent you from full success if avoided!

Mindset strategy number 3: Be Aware.

Awareness is a central idea and key component of the Logical Evolution Framework and moving through the levels in order to gain efficiency in reaching your goals.  By this strategy, I mean that you need to know yourself, seek out your limited beliefs, and find the areas where you have been hurt and not healed.  These limitations and hurts will keep repeating themselves if left in the dark.  You must be curious about why you do and think what you do – develop self awareness.  This also means learning about your own thinking patterns and how they need to change to support what you want.

Incorporating these three strategies can start supporting you today.  I truly want to see more people happy and fulfilled out in the world doing the work they love.  I hope this helps you, and that you will share it with 2-3 friends you also think it will help.  Let me know what thoughts or questions come up as you work with these ideas!


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