Are you trying to GET somewhere or BE somewhere?

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2019

Today’s question is a good one for the logical thinker to consider.  I want to highlight a phenomenon that can befall the logical thinker.  I have definitely fallen into this trap many a time – so many times, in fact, that it is something I look out for regularly now.  That trap is falling under the spell of our lists – our TO DO lists!

There are many levels to creating our desired outcome, which I go into in depth in my course.  There are specific paradigms through which science is operating in creating the world we live in moment to moment, and our lives are not excluded from how this works.  Results are generated in our lives in the same way.  The simple fact is that we need to have all of the paradigms aligned in order to achieve the desired result.  

Unfortunately, we can often get focused on the steps that can lead us where we want to go but we can forget about why we want to go there.  We forget to take as much care in maintaining the intention we have – that inner reason for that goal in the first place.  It turns out that not only will that help us in getting there, but it is also the sustaining force for keeping it in our lives long term. 

It’s true that we can focus on checking things off the list and doing the steps, but even if we do those things, which we can force ourselves to do sometimes, we find those things don’t stay in our lives.  The often-used example is the lottery winner who loses all the money in 6 months.  They had a change in the external, but there was not an inner intention of sustaining wealth.  It is one thing to get money, and another thing to sustain wealth.  If wealth is a goal we have, we need to be doing both on our way there.  We need to be looking at our list, designing our plan, but we need to be allowing it also to develop us into the person who will sustain it.

We have big goals – me included, some that I am in the middle of.  Maybe you can relate to this – I look back at the starting point of some of these goals I am in the middle of, and I really have come a long way.  In the beginning, I remember that the goal was so big, I didn’t know exactly what to do.  Even though I couldn’t predict what I would need to do in 6 months, I knew what I needed to do now, so I just started doing that.  During that process, I had to summon more from myself to do those things.  There were things outside of my comfort zone, there were things that I really wouldn’t be able to make myself do, it was someone I had to become to do them. 

I want to encourage you to allow yourself to become the person you need to be on the way to your goals too.  I see a lot of people looking up to leaders they want to emulate.  What I notice is that they focus on what they did.  But it is not those things that made them the leader.  What made them a leader is who they had to become.  You see the person who you know is tired at the end of the day but they are still being kind to others.  It’s not about doing all the things, it is about who you are while you do them. 

We need to remember not just where we want to go, but who we want to be when we get there.  That creates a sustainable future.  I want success for you – that is why I do this.  Take a moment to think about what this message means in your life and on the path to your goals.


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