How do you achieve something you've never had?

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2019

What do you want in life?  If you are like other logical thinkers I know, you want a lot in life.  You are motivated, you are inspired, you are willing to work.  But maybe you’ve had this goal for a while and haven’t felt like you were getting any closer.  My guess is that if this is the case, your goals are big – so big that you haven’t achieved anything like them before.  If that’s the case, there’s a fundamental thing you need to know. 

Most of the world – probably 95 percent – approaches their goals with what they already know.  They try to achieve another tier of success with the knowledge and information they have at their current tier.  This 95 percent are held back, while the other 5% who know the secret I’m about to share sprint ahead.

This applies in all areas – maybe you want to become the next CEO of a company after climbing the ladder, or maybe you want to have a healthy...

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Courage for the logical thinker

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2019

Logical thinkers have a lot in common, and one thing we share is how we need to work with courage in order to create the changes we want to see in our lives.  When we want something different in our lives, by definition it means we need to do, think, and intend or value something different.  This means moving into uncertain territory…uncertainty evokes anxiety – for some more than others – which means that in order to actually move that new direction we need COURAGE. 

There are three specific ways that we need to use courage if we are logical thinkers.

 #1 Be open.  Less thinking, more asking.  It takes courage to consider that what we think is true may not actually be true.  Whether it is an assumption about someone else or about what we’ve been taught by others in our past, we can’t really know whether it is true if we haven’t asked the question.  To create change, logical thinkers need to get out of our...

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Your Choice is Your Vote

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2019

As those of you know who have been following my videos for a while, the Logical Evolution Framework is based on levels that follow an increasing ability for developing self-awareness and taking self-responsibility.  With those two things, your ability to create what you want knows no bounds!

This week, we delve a little more into the self-responsibility part.  I will share with you one idea today that if you really realize what it means you will be able to create change where it has been eluding you.  This idea is that YOUR CHOICE IS YOUR VOTE.

You can tell which paradigm someone is in by how they do or do not realize this!  The Logical Evolution Framework outlines the three levels of life and shows you how life works based on which you choose to live by.  Each level operates according to drastically different rules, and the one you operate according to defines your paradigm.  This choice of paradigm results in how limited – or not – you are...

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Why create a holistic life?

Uncategorized May 26, 2019

The Logical Evolution Framework explains that there are three paradigms to approaching life, three choices that you have which then define how easy or hard it is for you to be successful at changing your life.  These three paradigms directly reflect the paradigms that science has uncovered.  Each paradigm becomes accessible to you as you develop your next level of self awareness.

One major benefit of deepening self awareness is that as you access each level, your ability to approach your life more holistically is increased.  In science, even if you are not looking at those tiny scales of view, those laws are at work.  The same is true for the paradigms of life.

Just because we choose not to tap into the Quantum Paradigm does not mean that our ideas, beliefs, and emotions are not affecting us.  They are still part of the process of creating our outcomes and reaching our goals.  The same goes for the physical paradigm – just because we are tapped...

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What's your mental diet?

Uncategorized May 19, 2019

As you may remember from listening to my other videos or trainings, there are three potential paradigms through which you can live life.  The laws of each of these three paradigms are at work even if you have no idea that paradigm is even there.  The benefit comes when you develop your self-awareness to the point that you can effect change on each of the levels.

The highest paradigm has to do with intention.  I’m simplifying the conversation for the purposes of this short video – but I do encourage you to find out more through opting in in on my website if you haven’t already.  Intention is the deepest level of our self-awareness, and we are often allowing that to operate in reactive mode rather than proactive mode.  And if you have an active intention at all times – conscious or not – those around you do too.  Additionally, that intention does become a part of what each of us creates.

There are a few skills you need to...

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The Science of Resistance

Uncategorized May 12, 2019

Thank you for being here today!  I am committed to living the life of my dreams through understanding the world more and I love finding others who are doing the same.  One of the most difficult things when it comes to change is the resistance.  Once I realized the science of resistance, and remembered this when I felt that resistance in action, my ability to make progress toward my goals skyrocketed.

With a career in aerospace engineering, I am always seeking the scientific connections between how the natural world works and how our lives work.  Not surprisingly, the laws are identical.  When I realized this particular parallel that I will explain today, it created a shift in perspective that really allowed me to make more significant progress faster.

This parallel is between change in the physical world and change in our mental world.  If you’ve seen my other videos, you may already know that in the physical world we study the movement of...

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Are you superstitious or scientific?

Uncategorized May 05, 2019

I want to begin by commending you!  Clearly, if you are here, you are truly committed to your growth and development.  And like me, you have a strong desire to discover the sense in the world.  People like you and me, when we don’t understand something, we know that it simply means that we have more to learn.  We also have a deep belief in ourselves that we are capable of learning it, given enough time and resources.

You’re probably also here because there is more you want in life that you haven’t achieved yet.  To be honest, I don’t feel that there is someplace we will finally “arrive” and be done with life.  I believe that for people like us, we will be looking to continue growing and achieving greater things until we leave this planet.  At some point, we reach the limit of what we already know how to do.  We still have these big goals but our results start to become erratic and unpredictable.  We...

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Do you get mad about dumb stuff?

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2019

Logical thinkers like you and me have very discerning minds.  If we are not careful, our discernment can turn into judgement, and this blocks us from making progress toward the lives we want. 

I’ve noticed that I can get quite mad about really, really dumb stuff – inconsequential stuff in the grand scheme of life.  I also noticed that these little areas of anger are inconsistent, and don’t always upset me.  Therefore, I was able to see that it wasn’t about the thing that was happening, it was about me and what I was experiencing internally.  That’s when I realized that these moments could give me a huge advantage.  I learned to use these moments as clues to help gain important insight about things that were holding me back. 

You can do the same, and I explain how through using three examples where I’ve fallen victim to anger about dumb stuff.  Watch the video to hear how:

  • Having to wait at a coffeeshop...
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Are you a statistic?

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2019

I created the Logical Evolution Framework for logical thinkers who want to change their lives.  This framework is completely based on the laws of science, and translates those laws to explain how life works on our individual level – after all we are literally part of the same universe! The three paradigms of science describe three ways of living life – and which you operate by defines what you experience. If you change your paradigm, you will change how your life works – by choosing your paradigm wisely, you can create change more efficiently and effectively.

Today we use the idea of statistics to shed light for you on what paradigm you are living from. It is essential to know where you are so that you can create a plan to get the results you want. There are three ways to respond when you hear a statistic, and these reflect your paradigm. Look at this list and ask yourself where you are.

  • Paradigm #1 (Physical): You see a statistic as a sentence, and usually...
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The mind/body connection explained

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2019

I’ve mentioned that one of my main goals in speaking to the logically-minded person is to bring the facts and the science that work without the “woo woo” explanations.  The personal development process for our mental and emotional selves is tangible and specific.  I don’t want those of you like me to miss out on that because the way you have been hearing about it is not presented to your logical nature.

For example, you don’t have to have an imaginary conversation with yourself as a child in order to get to the root of some of your limiting beliefs.  You can, and there is a tangible and logical reason why that helps some people, but you don’t have to do it that way.  And if you are like me, that’s not the way that really comes naturally to you.  You respond to clear connections and concrete thoughts.  I do too.

Today I want to talk about one of the phrases that gets a reputation as being pretty “woo...

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