Courage for the logical thinker

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2019

Logical thinkers have a lot in common, and one thing we share is how we need to work with courage in order to create the changes we want to see in our lives.  When we want something different in our lives, by definition it means we need to do, think, and intend or value something different.  This means moving into uncertain territory…uncertainty evokes anxiety – for some more than others – which means that in order to actually move that new direction we need COURAGE. 

There are three specific ways that we need to use courage if we are logical thinkers.

 #1 Be open.  Less thinking, more asking.  It takes courage to consider that what we think is true may not actually be true.  Whether it is an assumption about someone else or about what we’ve been taught by others in our past, we can’t really know whether it is true if we haven’t asked the question.  To create change, logical thinkers need to get out of our perspective more and into the perspective of another.  Asking genuine questions is the best way to do that.

#2 Be real.  Less analyzing, more feeling.  It takes courage to respond to a situation with real answers rather than facts and figures, particularly if the change you want to make involves relationships in any way.  When your conversation is about how you are actually feeling and what you are actually experiencing versus the way you think things “should” be, you will move so much closer to your goals.  Being objective is great in some cases, but when it comes to change, how you feel is where the really helpful information lies.

#3 Be present.  Less theorizing, more engaging.  It takes courage to be in a situation versus to theorize about it.  Because it is our strength, logic can become a weakness if we use it as a barrier between us and the world around us.  Wherever you are – BE there.  Use all your senses to experience the moment you are in.  It’s like the difference between going into the room versus looking through the doorway and guessing about what it feels like in there.

My experience is that when I have done these things, I have tapped into the wisdom that is the Coherent Paradigm and received information or connections I needed to move forward in my goals.  My nature at times was to stick to my list and be rigid about following a specific plan.  But when life prevented me from doing that even though that’s what I thought would help me the most, I found out that is what I needed.


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