Do you read all your email?

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2020

I have a question for you today that’s really an entrance point into a topic that’s very important when it comes to reaching your goals in the most efficient way. That question is: Do you read all your email?

It seems that the answer to this tends toward the extremes. You look at someone’s phone, and you see that little envelope, and you see the little bubble of how many unread messages are there…On one hand you have the people that want to clear the bubbles out as soon as they appear so that every last thing is organized.  I tend toward that.

But then there’s the other person. When you look at their phone, you see tons of bubbles! You see the mail icon with 30,000 unread emails! If you are more of the first type, there’s something inside you that kind of freaks out a little bit! Right?

We definitely have tendencies toward one or the other. There’s the person who wants to know everything that’s going on, who wants everything to...

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Rules versus Laws

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2020

Today, we’re discussing an important distinction – especially if you’re looking to reach big goals in life. You WILL come across this challenge – we all do as we progress in our lives more toward the things that we want. The important distinction is rules versus laws. We’ll look at both of those things today, and I’ll show you some shifts to make that will allow you to experience more of the successes you’ve been working toward.

First, I want to be more specific. I’m not talking about the “legal” version of the definition of laws. I’m speaking about the scientific version. Laws are true no matter whether you are aware of them or not. Laws are the way the world works; they are not choice-based. Rules are the opposite – they have nothing to do with how the world works scientifically, they are made up – by people. I’ve seen a lot of people get stuck by following what they think are laws but are really...

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Rethinking versus Overthinking

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2020

Today’s topic can definitely apply to us logical thinkers – rethinking versus overthinking. Understanding the distinction between the two will help you clear up places where you may be stuck or stalled.

One of these, rethinking, is something that helps move you forward. The other, overthinking, is something that creates barriers for you and causes you to stall out. The main difference between the two is whether or not there is new information involved. In rethinking, you are bringing in new information. With overthinking, you are creating a swirl in your own mind using the same recycled information.

There are three signs I’m about to share with you that will tell you whether you might be overthinking. My goal is to allow you to see clearly whether this is happening to you and keeping you from moving closer to your goals. My hope is that this will help you get out of any of these cycles and move forward.

First sign of overthinking – You can’t decide what...

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3 ways to reduce resistance in reaching your goals

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2020

Today my topic is resistance, and I am going to give you 3 ways that you can reduce resistance when you are working to reach your goals. Resistance is the stuff that counters your efforts toward a goal. How much resistance you are facing really does have a strong effect on how quickly you are moving forward – just like walking through water creates more resistance than walking through air.

These counteracting forces of resistance can be internal or external. Today our focus is on reducing internal resistance because those are the ones more under your control. However, each of the three I discuss also has an external component – if the people around you are doing these things too, it will affect the external resistance component. So, you essentially will have 6 ways to reduce resistance if you consider those around you as well as yourself. If you find others or encourage those around you – home, work, friends – to do these things too, you will reduce...

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Lessons from airplane flight

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2020

I’m always speaking to the logical thinker, but today is particularly engineering oriented. Today I am actually using lessons from airplane flight to talk to you about how to reach your goals more effectively. My passion is helping people reach the goals and set up the lives they dream of – because I know it’s possible!

We need to begin by identifying the forces involved in an airplane flying. These are the weight of the airplane, the thrust from the engines, the lift coming from the wings, and the drag from the resistive forces. Since the weight itself is inherent in the plane, I’m going to focus on the other three today. These three aspects of flight are also at play in your ability to eventually reach your goals, and you can affect these forces to have an impact. The better you are at affecting these, the more efficiently, effectively, and successfully you’ll reach those goals.

Let’s first talk about thrust – thrust is that power that...

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Could your assumptions be sabotaging you?

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2020

Today, I want to talk to you about assumptions. If you are a human, assumptions are going to be part of life.

In particular, assumptions will play a part when it comes to reaching those goals we’ve set for ourselves and creating that life we’ve imagined – this is because we’re never going to know absolutely everything! And this is especially true when we are trying to create a plan to go somewhere we’ve never gone before.

So, when there is information or facts that we are missing, we will need to rely on assumptions to fill in those blanks to get started. However, the way that we treat those assumptions is essential to whether we will eventually reach those milestones of success. Today I am going to cover 3 of the main ways we derail our progress through the mistakes we make with our assumptions – and I’ll give you the 3 solutions to those problems.

#1 – We don’t take time to investigate them. 

We don’t take the time...

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Santa or Einstein?

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2020

Today I am speaking to the heart of how you think the world works – I should really say not just how you THINK it works, but how you ACT like it works. I like to sum up the difference with this question: Do you operate like you live in a world that’s ruled by Santa or by Einstein?

The answer may seem obvious when you first hear the question, but I would really encourage you to reflect on it. I find that logical thinkers actually operate somewhere along the scale – and you might be a little closer to Santa than you might think!

The Santa approach to life is acting as if the universe operates on a reward and punishment system – like there is some Santa out there that we are trying to please and avoid displeasing. If we are good, we get our toys; if we are naughty, we get the coal in our stocking.  This is how we feel we can advance in the world – if we’re good, we’ll have good things happen to us.

The other option, which I am calling the...

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Imagination is more important than knowledge (Einstein)

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2019

I want to talk about one of my favorite quotes today, because I think it has a lot of hidden information needed by those of us who want to set big goals. I will point out three things in particular this quote is telling us that we need to consider and implement in setting our big goals.

If you are here, I bet you are someone like me – you want to make leaps forward in your life. It’s one thing to stair step forward in life, but it is another thing to take leaps – to go somewhere totally new, to evolve – and it requires a different approach. That is what I seek to do and what I seek to help others do.

The quote we’ll discuss is from Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” There are three things in particular you can take from this quote that you should apply when you are sitting down to set your big goals.

First, the quote reminds you to be UNLIMITED. Knowledge is limited; it becomes static. Knowledge is incredibly useful in...

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Patience is confidence

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2019

Today my topic is the radical act of patience. It’s radical because in our world, in our society in particular, patience is not necessarily emphasized. What I want to point out today is the importance of bringing more patience into your life when it comes to reaching your goals. The more you cultivate patience at the right moments, the better your results can get.

One of the reasons I chose the topic for today is because as I am speaking to you right now it is a few days before Christmas. I remember as a kid that these few days in particular seemed to be going at a snail’s pace. The idea of wanting Christmas day to come and it not being there; I can still remember the feeling of that impatience. This time of year has that tendency, although I think any time of year is a great time to talk about patience!

Maybe you are feeling some of that impatience yourself – whether it is around a holiday or a goal or something that you have scheduled coming up. Patience should...

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Cultivating the ability to ignore

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2019

Did you know that being able to “strategically ignore” can be really helpful on your path to success? Have you ever thought about the role that ignoring things could play in your life and in your ability to bring big goals to fruition?

It does play an important role! I wanted to bring this to your attention today so that you can take advantage of more energy directed toward your goals, creating more progress for you.

When I say strategically ignore, it is not the same as being ignorant of something. Being ignorant about something indicates you just aren’t aware of it at all. When you are ignorant, it’s not your decision to ignore it; you have no idea about it in the first place. Strategically ignoring something is a decision to send your attention elsewhere.

The word “decision” is a big distinction. It indicates that you are saying: “this is not where I am going to send my attention; I am going to send my attention somewhere else.” You...

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