Santa or Einstein?

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2020

Today I am speaking to the heart of how you think the world works – I should really say not just how you THINK it works, but how you ACT like it works. I like to sum up the difference with this question: Do you operate like you live in a world that’s ruled by Santa or by Einstein?

The answer may seem obvious when you first hear the question, but I would really encourage you to reflect on it. I find that logical thinkers actually operate somewhere along the scale – and you might be a little closer to Santa than you might think!

The Santa approach to life is acting as if the universe operates on a reward and punishment system – like there is some Santa out there that we are trying to please and avoid displeasing. If we are good, we get our toys; if we are naughty, we get the coal in our stocking.  This is how we feel we can advance in the world – if we’re good, we’ll have good things happen to us.

The other option, which I am calling the Einstein approach, is understanding that life operates according to laws – and it’s about how well we understand the laws and are able to implement the laws that determines what we get back.  In this way of approaching life, it doesn’t matter whether you just helped an old lady cross the street – if you drop a ball from a building, it’s going to fall just the way that someone who is a “good” person will experience the same result. 

To sum it up a different way: The Einstein approach lives according to this principle – there are sets of laws that the universe operates according to, and my ability to understand these laws and implement these laws determines how well I’m able to predict what the results are going to be. The Santa way is this – if I’m just a good enough person and do the right thing, then I’m going to get the things I really want deep down.

As I mentioned, I find that people are on a continuum. Although I was raised in the world the way many of us are – with the pressure for this need to be “good.” But I’ve evolved, grown, and studied to be able to move into the Einstein way of living in the world. I can say that my ability to get the results that I wanted are much improved when I focus on understanding the laws and implementing them. 

The part that makes it really hard to make that transition from Santa to Einstein living, is that some of these laws are subtle. They take time, internal reflection, and personal evolution to understand. It is a learning process, which can make it harder to make the leap. This is the very reason that I do what I do – because there are logical thinkers out there who know that laws of the universe are a real thing and want to learn to live by them! There is a lot of information out there, but it’s how we can actually make them implementable for ourselves – that’s where I want to come in and what I want to help with.

My framework – the Logical Evolution Framework – teaches those subtle laws.  It’s easy to subscribe to gravity. You know that when you drop the ball, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been great or if you’ve been mean to people that day, the same thing is going to happen. That’s easy to grasp because it’s obvious. But there are so many other laws of the universe that can emerge as just as obvious when you train your attention and your awareness. I really seek to connect with these thinkers out there, the logical thinkers who know there are laws to this universe and feel that it’s just a matter of time and study to be able understand them.

As I mentioned, the ability for me to achieve my goals over time has been exponentially improved as I’ve learned the actual laws. I personally believe in being a kind, generous, thoughtful person for many reasons, some of which do play into the laws (but not in the way that the Santa mentality wants us to think it does). It is difficult to see these kinds of discrepancies. There’s this great person out there who has tragedy strike. It’s not possible to make sense of a world from the Santa mentality. The only way to make sense of it is to find laws that you can understand and see evidence of.

What I am really asking you to do today is think about this difference. Is something in you still trying to navigate that good/bad judgement when you are trying to reach your goals? Are you judging yourself and others every day? Notice how often that thinking comes up for you. Look around you, look at your thinking, look at how you are thinking about others, look at how judgments are coming in, look at how you’re explaining why certain goals haven’t come into your life, or why certain things are happening.  And see what kind of thinking it reveals. 

If you are someone who really wants to move more toward that Einstein thinking and more toward understanding the laws, I would really love to hear from you! Send me a note at [email protected]. I would love to hear what you are realizing through this conversation, and what things are challenges when you bring this idea to mind. I would love to be a part of your ability to even more deeply understand the laws of the universe. They are subtle, they are profound, and they do require that you tap into a difference source of knowledge – that you start to tap into wisdom.

Apply this to yourself today by using this gauge. Am I in this reward and punishment world, am I trying to live in that world and achieve my goals? Or am I in a world where I subscribe to laws of the universe, where I seek to understand them fully so that I can implement them with certainty? Where am I on that scale, and do I like where that is?  Do I want to change it?

I look forward to hearing from you if you are a kindred spirit! Please share this message with anyone else who you think might need it.


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