Patience is confidence

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2019

Today my topic is the radical act of patience. It’s radical because in our world, in our society in particular, patience is not necessarily emphasized. What I want to point out today is the importance of bringing more patience into your life when it comes to reaching your goals. The more you cultivate patience at the right moments, the better your results can get.

One of the reasons I chose the topic for today is because as I am speaking to you right now it is a few days before Christmas. I remember as a kid that these few days in particular seemed to be going at a snail’s pace. The idea of wanting Christmas day to come and it not being there; I can still remember the feeling of that impatience. This time of year has that tendency, although I think any time of year is a great time to talk about patience!

Maybe you are feeling some of that impatience yourself – whether it is around a holiday or a goal or something that you have scheduled coming up. Patience should become a part of all of your goal achieving processes. I want you to think about some of those goals and where impatience might be showing up for you. What are some of the things you are anxious to get to? Bring those to mind as we talk about patience through the rest of this conversation.

I consider patience an art because there is a technique to it. It’s an inner state – it’s a time when you don’t yet have what you want, but you are in a state of calm about it. I deal with this a lot! I have a lot of goals that I am anxious to reach and I work with this actively. It’s that feeling where you want to just leap ahead into the future. It takes training to reign that in.

It’s very important in cultivating patience, especially for logical thinkers, that we understand the physics of how things manifest. I have an entire course on that (opt in through my website to learn more). We can’t go into that depth today, so instead I am going to use an analogy to communicate the point. I want you to think about water you want to freeze. How would you do it? You would put water into an ice cube tray and you would put that tray into an environment that is below freezing – your freezer, for example. We know that if the water sits in those conditions, it will solidify. It will become ice; it will freeze. All we need to do is wait and let it be exposed to the conditions.

This analogy is quite applicable to reaching our goals. We have to set up the conditions (this is covered in the course in depth) and once we set them up, there is a period of waiting. There is a period of exposure to the conditions and maintaining the conditions that brings the goal to fruition. In the example of the ice cubes we can’t keep checking on them, taking them out, poking at them to see if they are freezing. All of that slows down the process of freezing. The water has to be exposed to the conditions, and the more consistently it is exposed the faster it can get there.

I think we forget that it is the same process for our goals. We have to set up the conditions, and we have to maintain the conditions and give them time to take effect. We can’t keep checking on it, changing it up and messing with the conditions. The challenge is maintaining the conditions while staying relaxed because there is a confidence and trust that you know it will get there – because that’s how it works!  That’s the confidence I hope to give you a little of right here.

Taking this idea today and start practicing with it. I recommend this to everyone I work with individually – you want to work with the small things. If you want to lift a heavy weight, you first work with the small ones. Patience is the same way. There are a couple great ways that you can work with patience now.

One of them is sitting at red lights. How often are we in a stressful internal dialogue about that? You know it is going to change! Probably in the next 60-75 seconds!  What is there to do except to relax and let the conditions come?

Waiting in general is the second easy way to practice – when you find yourself in a line running errands, or waiting in line to pick up your kid at school. Use waiting to practice patience. Can you be calm while you are waiting? When we practice in these smaller ways, we build up a tolerance for the bigger things we are waiting for.

I guarantee patience will help you in your results because it works with the physics of how manifestation happens. And it is my goal to align you with how the physics of manifestation happens so you can experience more of what you want!


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