The shortest distance is NOT a straight line

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

I have an important message and reminder for you today – the shortest distance between you and your goal is not a straight line!

I'm guessing that if you're feeling frustration on the way to these big goals you have for your life, then you're probably treating it like a straight line. Today, I'm going to give you a few ways to notice that this is happening so that you can correct these errors.

Just like a plane travels across the globe not following a straight line, the same is true for you traveling to your big goals. When you look at a map, and you want to go from one point to another, it looks like the best way to approach it is a straight line. But what we know is that this is actually not the shortest, or the most efficient route for an airplane to fly when it comes to three-dimensional space.

In our world, our big goals also require us to move through three-dimensional space. They are not little incremental movements we're looking for. We want to take big leaps; we want...

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How clarity solves expectations

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2021

Today I want to share with you how clarity solves your expectations. The reason I'm speaking about expectations is because it has been shown to correlate with our level of happiness. So, where we are with our expectations can impact how we feel.

If we have certain expectations, and the experience falls below, then we tend to be less happy. Or, if we had medium expectations that were overshot, then we're overjoyed!

We all want to experience more happiness. If we really want that, we'll need to look at our expectations. So, we're going to do that today.

I first want to make a distinction between expectations and vision. I am going to encourage you to let go of expectations, but I am not going to encourage you to let go of vision. The difference between an expectation and a vision is really about attachment, and the degree of wishing versus confidence. When we have expectations, it's more of hoping things turn out the way we want them to turn out – we're attached to how it's...

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Does your capability match your possibility?

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2021

Does your capability match your possibility? This is a key question. Often, we focus a lot of our time on “the possibilities,” we're encouraged to “think about what's possible,” we are told “anything is possible.”

These are true statements – possibility is endless. But in order to reach that possibility, we must increase our capability to match it. So today, I'm giving you three ways to start doing that.

If you have a dream that you’re serious about, there's going to be some steps you need to take to actually move yourself toward it. The definition of possibility is something that may happen in the future. So – how do we bring that future into the present? Well, you can start with the three ways I'm going to share with you today.

The first one is: Am I increasing my capability of thinking? In your thoughts, and in your areas of focus – Do you know who you need to become? If you are a leader now, but you see yourself leading...

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The three relationships to control

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2021

How much control do you feel you have in your life? This is really speaking to the idea of a sense of agency – a sense of having the ability to create change – and it is very strongly correlated with your ability to get results.

I'm going to explain the three possible relationships you might have to control and which one actually gives you the best outcome. Each of these relationships correlates to a different paradigm or a different view of how the world works.

The first possible relationship is from what I call the physical paradigm. In the physical paradigm, a relationship to control is very external. You will feel that many of the things going on in your life are because of external reasons – it's the economy, it's the coworker, it's the boss, it's the spouse, it's politics, etc. In this relationship with control, you feel that your results are very highly driven by the situations and people outside of you. This will inform how you respond to the challenges in...

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Addressing competing priorities

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2021

Today, I want to talk to you about competing priorities.

Many people I work with have this recurring issue – it feels as if there's just “too much to do.”

Does your day seem too full? Do you often try to work more just to “catch up” but find that the more you try to GET done, the more there seems to need to BE done?

It’s a vicious cycle.

To end the cycle, you need to change your strategy and your relationship with time. Today, I’m giving you three questions to ask yourself to do just that.

Question #1: What really is a priority?

In this context, I’m not talking about distractions – it’s not Netflix binges and social media black holes taking up our time. Typically, all these things on our mind and our list seem to “need” to be done. In this case, it’s a matter of priority. What is filling up your day that really doesn’t need to be there, or needs to take a back seat to other things?

For example, I...

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Take ownership of your learning

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2020

I don't know if you can relate to this, but there’s still a big part of me that really longs for that roadmap for my life. I think there's a part of all of us that really feels comforted when we have a path laid out for us.

I can remember the first time I was really overwhelmed by the options of life. I remember the hotel that my parents and I were staying in to move me into my first year of college. I remember that I had the college curriculum book with me, in that hotel room sitting on that hotel bed, having this thick book that I started to open.

I remember the physical sensation of the overwhelm – realizing that I now had this responsibility of figuring out what the heck to take! That was a big shift in my life, having come through high school and having been basically told what to take. This was a first, and to me it was not just a small step. It seemed like this wide gate opened.

With this huge buffet of options in front of me, I realized that I do have an end goal...

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The urgency of alignment

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2020

I want to give you a bit of hope today – and some guidance about that hope.

I want you to know that creating those visions you have for how you want your life to be are not nearly as complicated as you make them. However, you do need to include one essential component – alignment.

To succeed with less effort, we have to think more scientifically about our goals, and we must apply the universal laws that exist to reach those goals.

Let’s use an example. Let's imagine that “Ann” has a broken arm. We all understand what needs to happen when a bone is broken! Ann needs to get that bone aligned, and she needs a cast on it to fix it in place for healing. That’s the natural intelligence of how the body works.

It's only after that initial realignment has happened that she can move forward. When the cast comes off, that’s when she can work on range of motion and strength.

What DON’T we do is when an arm gets broken? We don't immediately say,...

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The power of the pause

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2020

Have you noticed that there are moments in your day when you're clearly not feeling engaged in your life? Have you noticed times that it feels like you're just going through the motions?

What do you do in those times?

If you struggle in those moments, today I’ll share with you an effective way to handle it. I think you’ll recognize it as something you’ve heard before, but maybe you dismissed as too simple or categorized as too “woo woo.” So, I’m going to explain it to you more scientifically in the hopes you’ll realize its value and start using it to your advantage.

I want to remind you of the power of pause. When you see that you’re going down a path that you don't enjoy, pausing must be the first step to effectively transform that moment. If you were planning to go somewhere, and you realized that you were driving in the wrong direction, you wouldn't just keep going! You would stop and say, “I need to make a turn; I need to...

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Be a vector, not a scalar

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2020

I want to remind you of an important distinction today – the difference between a VECTOR and a SCALAR.

I remember learning about this back in my physics class in high school. This is the difference between having speed, and having speed with direction. You can think of the idea of spinning your wheels – that's got a lot of speed and activity, but you're not going anywhere. Or you can have speed and direction – by driving down the road.

This is a trap that I have found myself in before. Maybe you can relate, and maybe you have an area in your life where this is happening now. Maybe you have an area where you're taking a lot of action, but you're not sure you're getting anywhere.

We can easily get caught up in taking action and forget about noticing whether we have the right direction. Are we actually moving forward with this action? Or are we just spinning our wheels?

Recently, there's been a big emphasis on your morning routine. I definitely believe in the...

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Don't Suck it Up, Level Up!

Uncategorized Sep 13, 2020

I want to ask you today if you've ever been told that you need to “suck it up,” or if those are words you've ever told yourself.

I, personally, can think of those days at work after a long day of meetings and projects where I'm feeling kind of drained…but there's that one meeting left, or there's that one thing I have to finish in order to be done for the day. My inner dialogue is to “just suck it up, just gotta finish.” It's about getting that last thing checked off, so I can just go do something else. It's like I'm wishing away that moment.

If I'm going to be honest, I have those times at the end of my work day when I'm making that transition to go be a parent too. There's a lot of times I don't really feel like it, and it's a similar internal conversation, that I have to “just suck it up to get through until bedtime.”

But that's not the kind of person I want to be, or the kind of experience that I want to have. It doesn't lead to a very...

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