The urgency of alignment

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2020

I want to give you a bit of hope today – and some guidance about that hope.

I want you to know that creating those visions you have for how you want your life to be are not nearly as complicated as you make them. However, you do need to include one essential component – alignment.

To succeed with less effort, we have to think more scientifically about our goals, and we must apply the universal laws that exist to reach those goals.

Let’s use an example. Let's imagine that “Ann” has a broken arm. We all understand what needs to happen when a bone is broken! Ann needs to get that bone aligned, and she needs a cast on it to fix it in place for healing. That’s the natural intelligence of how the body works.

It's only after that initial realignment has happened that she can move forward. When the cast comes off, that’s when she can work on range of motion and strength.

What DON’T we do is when an arm gets broken? We don't immediately say, “Oh, your arm can't lift anything heavy, let's start getting you on a strength training routine,” right? That's ridiculous, the bone is broken!

This is no different from when we experience disconnection from an end result that we want to achieve. In this situation, the most urgent need for you is to realign. What is the basic focus for the experience you want when you reach your goal?

When it comes to healing, and it comes to reaching our goals, we always want to start with alignment. Whatever is at the core will propagate out. Often, when we feel stuck in reaching a goal, we look for a new technique, and we try to take action.

We put action on top of that “stuckness,” when that’s not what’s needed most often. Often, what we need to do is stop and ask, “Did I did I lose the alignment with my original intention?” We need to stop and remind ourselves where it is we want to be going, so that we can ensure that our actions actually match that and aren't in conflict with it. The more in conflict our actions are with our true intention, the more difficult it’s going to be to get results that we're looking for.

What we are doing to create the goal must reflect the qualities of the goal too. If I’m working toward a goal that I think is going to bring me more joy and peace, then my actions along the way to achieving it must reflect those same qualities. If one of the things you really value and want to create more of is integrity, then you want to make sure integrity is throughout your approach.

We often get stuck because we're missing alignment, which is why I want to bring it to your attention today. We get caught up in trying to take more action, and it takes a lot of self-discipline to pause and ask, “Do I need to realign so that I'm able to move forward toward where I want to go, instead of run around in action and hope that what turns out in the end is aligned with what I'm looking for?”

So, the very first strategy always has to be alignment – alignment with the principle you want to bring into your life through that goal.

For example, imagine your goal is to get into a great romantic relationship. What does that mean? It's not about that person as the end goal. But, when you get there you want to be able to be authentic with the person, you want to have someone who appreciates you and who you appreciate. These are the type of alignments that we want to seek out as you're taking steps toward the goal. It's not about finding the person, right? Because not just anyone is going to make you feel like you've reached that goal.

I hope this helped you today in thinking about where this urgency of alignment is needed for you and your goals. My goal is to help you create the life you want, and to feel like you have the power to create that life using universal laws that are really right at your fingertips. It's a matter of learning them and then choosing to use them – not getting caught up in what most of the world does and trying to take more action.

If this helped you and you can think of someone else it might help, please share it. Please make sure to opt in at my website so we can stay connected. I really appreciate your time and your attention today. Until next time, be your best and keep being evolutionary!


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