Be a vector, not a scalar

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2020

I want to remind you of an important distinction today – the difference between a VECTOR and a SCALAR.

I remember learning about this back in my physics class in high school. This is the difference between having speed, and having speed with direction. You can think of the idea of spinning your wheels – that's got a lot of speed and activity, but you're not going anywhere. Or you can have speed and direction – by driving down the road.

This is a trap that I have found myself in before. Maybe you can relate, and maybe you have an area in your life where this is happening now. Maybe you have an area where you're taking a lot of action, but you're not sure you're getting anywhere.

We can easily get caught up in taking action and forget about noticing whether we have the right direction. Are we actually moving forward with this action? Or are we just spinning our wheels?

Recently, there's been a big emphasis on your morning routine. I definitely believe in the importance of a good, solid morning routine, so I, too, was seeking one out. I was learning from different people and different books and trying to gather all these activities and actions I needed to take to make my “amazing morning.”

I ended up feeling like I had to have 20 things on this list! I had to get my cup of tea, I had to have my drink of water, I had to do my meditation, I had to do my planning, and so on! They just added up.

What I eventually realized is that I disconnected my activities from my direction. Instead of focusing on whether I had all the “right” activities that these books and teachers said I should have, I needed to consider a different question: What do I want to create with this morning routine? How do I want to feel, and be, and think when I'm done with my routine?

I needed to know where I wanted to end up at the end of this routine, so that then I could properly select the right activities that, for me, would take me there. Each activity might have a different effect on me than it would on someone else, so I needed to consider the direction the activity would take me specifically.

I want to remind you to think about this in your life. If you're starting to feel tired or burnt out, or feeling like your efforts aren't taking you anywhere – maybe you’ve gotten caught up in activity. Are you focusing on speed more than direction? Are you being a scalar, when you need to be more of a vector – being conscious of where you want to go?

When you pinpoint that place to you want to go, you are going to be much more likely to get there than if you are simply leaving it up to chance or other people’s ideas. Take in that information that you can gather from other people, but then apply it to how you want to be and where you want to take it.

I hope that helped you today. If you think this message would speak to someone that you know, please pass it on to them. Until next time, be your best and keep being evolutionary!


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