Take ownership of your learning

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2020

I don't know if you can relate to this, but there’s still a big part of me that really longs for that roadmap for my life. I think there's a part of all of us that really feels comforted when we have a path laid out for us.

I can remember the first time I was really overwhelmed by the options of life. I remember the hotel that my parents and I were staying in to move me into my first year of college. I remember that I had the college curriculum book with me, in that hotel room sitting on that hotel bed, having this thick book that I started to open.

I remember the physical sensation of the overwhelm – realizing that I now had this responsibility of figuring out what the heck to take! That was a big shift in my life, having come through high school and having been basically told what to take. This was a first, and to me it was not just a small step. It seemed like this wide gate opened.

With this huge buffet of options in front of me, I realized that I do have an end goal in mind. Not just the degree from college, but specifically an engineering degree. That determined my path, and that helped me in the beginning. So, I learned to navigate that by remembering my end goal.

Since leaving that college environment, I’ve realized that there's so much in life that there is to learn if you want to create a successful, fulfilled life. But we're not taught those things. There's not a curriculum for that in and of itself. There are career paths, but not that bigger success path. We're not taught how to financially plan, or how to navigate relationship challenges.

I realized that it was up to me, and that I have to take ownership over my learning. And I am here to encourage you to do the same. It may be something that you've probably started to realize, but you must realize the importance of it – because it is absolutely up to you. You must decide what you want to learn, and that should always come from where you want to go.

So today, I want to remind you of that, I want to really affirm for you that that is, in fact, the case. It really is up to you to follow through if there's something you want to learn. I’m not talking about the random class, I'm talking about degree-level learning of something.

If there's a place you want to go with your life, then it's up to you to do it. So please take that to heart today. What are those things have been on your mind? What are those nagging problems? For me, some of those realizations came when I had a pain point – where I was having a difficulty in a relationship or I was having a pain in my body that really forced me to learn. There's so many things I've learned about my own physiology since then, that I'm baffled that we're not all taught!

Instead of waiting for a pain point, think about that proactively and get on your way to those goals, living that life you have in mind. I hope that this helped you and I hope you'll pass it on and share it with anyone else you think it might help. Please visit my website to make sure that we can connect. I really appreciate your time and your attention today. Until next time, be your best and keep being evolutionary.


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