Does your capability match your possibility?

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2021

Does your capability match your possibility? This is a key question. Often, we focus a lot of our time on “the possibilities,” we're encouraged to “think about what's possible,” we are told “anything is possible.”

These are true statements – possibility is endless. But in order to reach that possibility, we must increase our capability to match it. So today, I'm giving you three ways to start doing that.

If you have a dream that you’re serious about, there's going to be some steps you need to take to actually move yourself toward it. The definition of possibility is something that may happen in the future. So – how do we bring that future into the present? Well, you can start with the three ways I'm going to share with you today.

The first one is: Am I increasing my capability of thinking? In your thoughts, and in your areas of focus – Do you know who you need to become? If you are a leader now, but you see yourself leading more people, does there need to be more patience, more generosity, more compassion, more (you fill in the blank)? When we raise the way we're thinking, we do raise our capability, because we're able to put those areas of focus actually into practice. If we are aware on a daily basis that increasing our compassion is something we need to do to move our capability forward, then we're going to be more likely to do it, and actually realize that increase in capability. So the first thing you want to ask yourself is that – How do I need to become more capable in my thinking, who I'm living into?

The second thing to ask is: How do my skills affect my capability? How do your skills move your capability along toward that possibility? Whatever your goal is, what are at least three skills you need to develop to start to move yourself there? In that future role, what skills do you have that you don't have today? Maybe it's learning about finances, maybe it's learning about project management, maybe it's learning about parenting, only you know what this is for you. But don't stop there! Start to schedule time toward development of those skills. That future possibility isn't going to come unless we develop the skills that can sustain it. It will be unattainable or fleeting unless we move our capability along to match what we are envisioning for our future.

The third thing to ask is: Who can I enlist to help me? Who is a mentor I can reach out to? Who is someone who is closer to or at that future that I desire that I can seek help from? As you reach out to that person, as you spend time with them, as you ask them questions, you're learning from them so that you can increase your capability. You're going to learn things that you didn't know about before you talked with them. They're going to give you some strategic ways to increase your capability so you don't feel like you're using trial and error. They're going to help you move that capability forward as efficiently as possible.

So, I will leave you with that. Simple message, but lots of action steps that are possible for you to move your capability toward your possibility. Focus on how you're thinking and who you're moving toward becoming in that way; the skills you need to develop and scheduling them into your life; and reaching out to people who are further down the path and can help you with the efficiency of your work.

I’m also here to support you on moving your capability toward your possibility. Please message me about a free strategy session if you are looking for a partner in this effort!


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