Space exploration

Uncategorized May 24, 2020

The topic today is SPACE, which I love for many reasons. The first reason I love it led me to my career path as an aerospace engineer – I’ve worked for the International Space Station program and the Space Shuttle Program, and now I work for the Dream Chaser Program. Obviously, the exploration of outer space is key to my life and is a passion of mine.

However, today I’m talking about a different kind of space – not an outer space but an inner space. In particular, it’s space for our minds. I want to encourage you to look at how much time in your day you’re allowing yourself to have space – real space. I’m not talking about setting the to do list aside for 5 minutes, I’m talking about giving yourself time when there’s an emptiness of activity, when there’s a pause, when you actually can focus on just being where you are.

This is something I had to learn the value of – I’m more of a check the box, move...

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Quantum Strength

Uncategorized May 17, 2020

Today, I want to tell you about a way that you can gain instant insight into how quantum physics works, and how you can gain instant strength toward something you are working on achieving. If you’re like me, you set a lot of goals, and some are harder to stay on the path towards than others!

One recurring goal I set is cleaning up my eating. It seems like I’m always resetting that goal because it’s hard for me. Since that’s one of my challenging areas, I definitely get into periods where my strength for maintaining progress on that is waning. I invite you to consider what area or goal in your life feels that way right now. Where do you feel strength, desire, or motivation for your goal waning?

At those times, we need a jolt of strength, and it can happen in an instant. Instant strength comes from committing to our goal. I know that you’ve probably heard that before, but I want to share it with you in a new way – in the context of quantum physics....

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Clarity plus Focus equals Results

Uncategorized May 10, 2020

Being a logical thinker, I’m guessing you’re going to like the way I’m going to present this information to you today. Your success is important to me – I’m always looking for you to get greater results, specifically by using the logic that comes naturally to you.

One of the ways I do that is to use equations and to think about things in terms of the variables involved that lead to a result. When it comes to getting results you want, your important variables are CLARITY and FOCUS.


Clarity means that you know what the goal is, you understand the steps, you understand why you want to reach that goal, and you have a clear vision of what it is you want to achieve. Clarity is seeing what you desire in detail, and being able to explain it in detail. The second piece, focus, is actually using your resources toward that. Focus is like the operation of a magnifying glass to the sun rays, it brings energy together in a way that amplifies...

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Checking your "expansion" gauge

Uncategorized May 03, 2020

Today I want to introduce you to an important gauge that you have available to you. This gauge needs to be one of your main references when you are moving through your day – in particular when you are making decisions. This gauge measures “expansion” versus “contraction.”

These two states can be likened to that of our nervous system – we know about the fight or flight response versus the relaxation response. This is one aspect of this gauge that you may be already familiar with.

Think about the state of fight or flight – it’s a stressful state. In this state, we have emotions like anxiety, fear, anger, and frustration – all these things that tighten our bodies up. This is contraction, and it’s a physical, emotional, and mental state. Not only does your body get tense, but your emotions become those tense types of emotions (fear, anger), and your mind gets tense as well. You feel there are only two options available to you...

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Guilt does not equal growth

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2020

Hello! Today’s message starts with a question. At any point over the last week, have you made yourself feel guilty or experienced guilt over anything? If the answer is yes, and especially if that’s a recurring experience for you, then keep listening!

Now, I wonder if you’ve been in either or both of these two scenarios before: Scenario 1 is that you’ve had a person in your life you felt really supported by – the kind of friend you could tell anything to and can be yourself completely with. Scenario 2 is that you’ve had a person in your life who offers the opposite experience – someone who’s critical of you – when you’re with them, you feel you’re never quite measuring up to their standards.

I’m guessing that you can relate to both. So then, the question becomes: Which person are you to YOURSELF? Are you that accepting friend, or are you that critical person? 

This is a key question! You have the ability to...

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Action in unpredictability

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

Welcome! Today we’re all experiencing a similar state of unpredictability. We often face small periods of unpredictability, but it’s been a long time since we’ve experienced such a collective unpredictability, and an unpredictability to such a degree.

We’re in the middle of dealing with this pandemic, and it’s affecting everyone. It gives us an opportunity to really look at something together, to be able to use the same thing in our investigation. It’s really easy to talk about something when we have it in common. Usually we need to draw parallels, and that works, but when we have the same situation to look at together, that can make our conversations even more powerful.

So, today, I want to bring your attention to the unpredictable nature of not just this time, but of life. We often use unpredictability as an excuse to put things off, to delay, to avoid, and to keep us from setting the kind of habits we need to get to the places we really want to...

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Believe what you see

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2020

Today I want to call your attention to something really important when it comes to effectively reaching your goals. This applies in particular when you are looking at yourself, but also holds true when you are looking at others.

I want to remind you to BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE.

Our actions are what lead us step by step to our future. We can imagine a lot of things; we can think about a lot of things; but what ends up coming out through our actions is what is going to lead us toward where we end up – and hopefully this is where we want to go.

Many times, though, we find ourselves moving in a direction we’d rather not. Why is that? We actually have a lot of inputs into our actions – our thoughts come from a variety of places. We have our conscious thoughts, but we also have our subconscious thoughts and our unconscious thoughts. There’s a lot happening under our conscious radar, and many times we can truly feel that we believe something yet we are constantly acting...

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Allow the unpredictable

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2020

Today I want to talk to you about the idea of adaptability – and apply this idea when it comes to moving toward our goals.

Humans are incredibly adaptable. From the simplest biological adaptations that happen when we move into different temperature environments or different altitudes, to the neurological adjustments that happen when we learn a new task – we are highly adaptable.

The idea of evolution depends on adaptability – and this should be recognized more when it comes to moving toward our goals and undergoing our individual life evolution. Specifically for this application, adaptability shows up in how we handle the UNPREDICTABLE.

Many people I know get hung up on the path to reaching their goals because they are set in their plan of progression of steps. What I want to remind you about today is that reaching your goals does not come from a focus on the how. It does come from a focus on where are you going, not how you are going to get there.

When the things...

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Where do you need to integrate?

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2020

Welcome today! I know I have a lot of logical thinkers out there, and I’m wondering if you have a similar role in your work that I do. My job title includes the phrase “Systems Engineer,” and I find that speaks to a very important function that we don’t often take into our lives. My ultimate goal is to help you reach more of your life goals, so today I want to talk to you about the concept of integration.

I think those of us who are in engineering roles or integration roles in our work really see the importance of it there. But how often do we think about it outside of a work context and more applicable in our own lives?

Being a systems engineer and being in an integration role is honestly my favorite type of role – I like seeing something bigger happen when smaller relationships are forged and put together in a very deliberate way. When we really take care of the relationships between the individual parts of things, we can create something much bigger,...

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Analog or Digital?

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2020

My question for you today is to consider whether you are a more analog or digital type of thinker. Do you approach life in a more analog or a more digital way?

The difference between the two has to do with a mindset that recognizes a continuum or one that sees things as on or off. A digital approach is binary – so it’s on or it’s off, it’s 1 or it’s 0. Analog is capable of sending a signal of varying amplitude.

I find that we (especially logical thinkers) tend to approach our lives in a more digital way, and we could benefit by moving more to the analog approach. I used to use the analogy of a rheostat for light when I taught yoga, because I found that a lot of people, especially logical minded people like myself approached things in a digital way. I also started my yoga practice like this, which is also how I approached other things in life – either I felt like I wasn’t doing it at all, or I was doing it ALL THE WAY. 

Like me when I...

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