Clarity plus Focus equals Results

Uncategorized May 10, 2020

Being a logical thinker, I’m guessing you’re going to like the way I’m going to present this information to you today. Your success is important to me – I’m always looking for you to get greater results, specifically by using the logic that comes naturally to you.

One of the ways I do that is to use equations and to think about things in terms of the variables involved that lead to a result. When it comes to getting results you want, your important variables are CLARITY and FOCUS.


Clarity means that you know what the goal is, you understand the steps, you understand why you want to reach that goal, and you have a clear vision of what it is you want to achieve. Clarity is seeing what you desire in detail, and being able to explain it in detail. The second piece, focus, is actually using your resources toward that. Focus is like the operation of a magnifying glass to the sun rays, it brings energy together in a way that amplifies its effectiveness.

The important variables in getting results, according to this equation, are clarity and focus. So, if you’re having trouble arriving at some of the results of the goals you have in mind, think about these two things specifically. There’s a lot of other things we can talk about, things I go into a lot more detail on in my longer courses, but just looking at these two will give you a huge boost toward your goals if you stop and really check these out.

Ask yourself about clarity – Do I really know what I want? This answer must be specific, not a generality like “I want to be healthier,” “I’d like to have more money,” or “I’d like to have a better relationship.” Define the result specifically and clearly. From there, it’s about determining the actions you need to take and following through. We all know quite a few actions we need to take, but it’s a matter of really stopping and taking the time to list and plan those out. You don’t have to figure out all the steps, or even more than one step, but you DO need to take a step.

Ask yourself about focus – Am I using my resources (time, money, energy) in alignment with my desired result? For example, if a goal you have involves purchasing something expensive, you examine your budget spreadsheet. You look at whether spending priorities match your life goals. Maybe you’ll see a way you can divert money from less important areas to this priority to create what you need. Many people also describe a challenge with the resource of time. However, if you examine your day’s time expenditures in relationship to your priorities, you could find it. If you’ve determined that you need 20 minutes each day to exercise, or study a skill you need to gain, then look at your day. At the very least getting up 20 minutes earlier would give you 20 extra minutes, or going to bed 20 minutes later. Or maybe there’s a way that you can watch 20 minutes less of tv or take a book to read while waiting for an appointment. If you’re looking for a solution rather than an excuse, there’s very likely 20 minutes that you can find.

So, there’s hope! If there’s something you’re stuck on, let’s look at the equation. Is the clarity in place and is the focus in place? Do I know what I want and am I taking steps? Both of those things can be a challenge at different times in our lives. We manage to be very “busy” throughout the day, but did we focus our efforts on the things we want to be effective at? I encourage you to look at these questions today.


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