Believe what you see

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2020

Today I want to call your attention to something really important when it comes to effectively reaching your goals. This applies in particular when you are looking at yourself, but also holds true when you are looking at others.

I want to remind you to BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE.

Our actions are what lead us step by step to our future. We can imagine a lot of things; we can think about a lot of things; but what ends up coming out through our actions is what is going to lead us toward where we end up – and hopefully this is where we want to go.

Many times, though, we find ourselves moving in a direction we’d rather not. Why is that? We actually have a lot of inputs into our actions – our thoughts come from a variety of places. We have our conscious thoughts, but we also have our subconscious thoughts and our unconscious thoughts. There’s a lot happening under our conscious radar, and many times we can truly feel that we believe something yet we are constantly acting in a different way. This is what happens when the conscious mind is not in the majority.

Someone can tell you they value you, but if they are constantly criticizing you and creating problems for you, they don’t actually value you. They might think they do, but what shows up through actions is going to reveal true beliefs more than the words. This is helpful when it comes to others, and I definitely encourage you to use that. But my concern is always how you can more effectively look at yourself to create more deliberate life change – because we fall for this ourselves as well. We think we value something (like healthy eating), yet we make other choices! We might consciously believe we really value eating healthy, but there are other factors that feed into our actions.

So, what I want to encourage you to do is not to analyze and think about what you value. If you want to know what you value, look at how you spend all your resources. Where does your money go? Where does your time go? These are the things that reflect the summation of where your mind is. If you do this, and you discover areas that your actions are out of alignment with what you think you value – those are areas for more investigation. I do have a whole course that goes into that – Logical Evolution Mastery – showing you how to break that down, how to investigate it, and how to determine what it is trying to tell you. Only when we start to reveal those things can it really be within reach to make those changes. Our conscious mind can only go so far, but once we look at our actions to inform us of those deeper subconscious thoughts, that’s when we are really empowered to make change.

I want to encourage you today to believe what you see! Use this in your interactions with others to ensure you surround yourself with the people that are treating you the way you want to be treated. But also use this for yourself, so you can gain the insight that you need to move toward your goals confidently.


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