Where do you need to integrate?

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2020

Welcome today! I know I have a lot of logical thinkers out there, and I’m wondering if you have a similar role in your work that I do. My job title includes the phrase “Systems Engineer,” and I find that speaks to a very important function that we don’t often take into our lives. My ultimate goal is to help you reach more of your life goals, so today I want to talk to you about the concept of integration.

I think those of us who are in engineering roles or integration roles in our work really see the importance of it there. But how often do we think about it outside of a work context and more applicable in our own lives?

Being a systems engineer and being in an integration role is honestly my favorite type of role – I like seeing something bigger happen when smaller relationships are forged and put together in a very deliberate way. When we really take care of the relationships between the individual parts of things, we can create something much bigger, and much more profound.

Those of us who are very logically oriented tend to focus on the development of our minds over anything else. But what I want to remind you of today is that you are an integrated human being. All the parts of you need to be thriving in order for you to thrive overall.

We are really reminded of that when we are experiencing some sort of illness or a cold and we realize how much depends on our health. Don’t let that realization be just during those times! Realize that the more you take care of and cultivate your health, the more you have for those other areas of life. The same is true for our financial life, our relationships, and our mental/emotional health. They’re all feeding our life as a whole. This message is especially important for you if you have found yourself getting a little narrow minded in how you live your life, and if you’ve neglected some other areas.

So that’s my question today for you to ponder – How do I need to be more integrated? How can I look at all the different parts of my life and find out which ones need more attention in order to fill me more, to fill my life as a whole and to align it with my goals? Please reach out to me if there’s any way I can support you in creating a life where you are thriving!


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