Action in unpredictability

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

Welcome! Today we’re all experiencing a similar state of unpredictability. We often face small periods of unpredictability, but it’s been a long time since we’ve experienced such a collective unpredictability, and an unpredictability to such a degree.

We’re in the middle of dealing with this pandemic, and it’s affecting everyone. It gives us an opportunity to really look at something together, to be able to use the same thing in our investigation. It’s really easy to talk about something when we have it in common. Usually we need to draw parallels, and that works, but when we have the same situation to look at together, that can make our conversations even more powerful.

So, today, I want to bring your attention to the unpredictable nature of not just this time, but of life. We often use unpredictability as an excuse to put things off, to delay, to avoid, and to keep us from setting the kind of habits we need to get to the places we really want to be in life. It’s actually NOT essential that we GET to that specific goal we have in mind, but it IS important that we HAVE that specific goal in mind. What happens along the way is usually something better than we could have imagined, but it also gives us something to move toward. We often think we have clear goals for life, but if you find yourself easily putting things off because of something unpredictable, you’ll have to ask yourself whether it’s really a goal.

There are some people right now in this particular event we’re experiencing who have to go and take specific action because of their role in this world. For the rest of us who need to just stay where we are, we’re in a different situation, and we’re in a place where we can really look at our relationship to unpredictability. Think back to how you’ve been using your time over these past several days. Unless you’ve been very focused on your goal, I bet it’s been all over the board, and probably a little bit of just doing things to pass time…like binge watching tv and things of that nature.

Some things we may be saying to ourselves as a way to delay taking action on our goals (now or at other times) are, “when this is done” or “when I get to that place” or “when this settles out.” There’s never going to be this “settled” place. Life is always in motion, and it’s always to some degree or another unpredictable. Sometimes we’re more aware of the unpredictability than other times, this being one of them!

So I want to encourage you to look at your relationship to unpredictability, and to let that inform you whether you really need to sit down and get clear on your goals and your vision. If you do have this idea of your goal and your vision but there’s not been any action, then that’s where you need to look. There’s always a way to make progress, even where we are today. There’s always a way to get creative around how you can move toward that goal. Granted, in many cases it has to look different right now than what you thought, but that’s the beauty of having a clear goal – you know where you need to move toward. You’re just asking yourself, what can I do to move me closer to that place now? It’s quite possibly a much different action than you thought you’d be taking right now, but there’s still something you can do.

We never know how long unpredictability is going to last; there’s always going to be a different variation on it. So I’m here to remind you that RIGHT NOW is a time to take action.

I’m here if you want to reach out to me! We need to connect globally, virtually, as much as possible, so I invite and welcome anything you want to share with me. You can reach me through my website, and please do share this video with others you think might benefit from it. I, too, am missing connection with the world, so let me know how I can be there for you, and how we can be there for each other!


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