Quantum Strength

Uncategorized May 17, 2020

Today, I want to tell you about a way that you can gain instant insight into how quantum physics works, and how you can gain instant strength toward something you are working on achieving. If you’re like me, you set a lot of goals, and some are harder to stay on the path towards than others!

One recurring goal I set is cleaning up my eating. It seems like I’m always resetting that goal because it’s hard for me. Since that’s one of my challenging areas, I definitely get into periods where my strength for maintaining progress on that is waning. I invite you to consider what area or goal in your life feels that way right now. Where do you feel strength, desire, or motivation for your goal waning?

At those times, we need a jolt of strength, and it can happen in an instant. Instant strength comes from committing to our goal. I know that you’ve probably heard that before, but I want to share it with you in a new way – in the context of quantum physics. What you experience in that moment of commitment gives you a glimpse of what quantum physics does in your life, the role that it plays in creating your world and your particular individual life.

One of the best experiences I have to explain it comes from when I would be in a yoga class. When I’m a student in the class and I’m holding a challenging pose, I can feel the waning of my strength. But in that moment when I’m holding a pose and that pose is difficult, how committed I am to holding it in my mind drastically affects my experience and my results.

If I’m holding the pose and I’m still connected to my goal – I remember that I want to become stronger and healthier, and I’m thinking about how this particular moment is helping me achieve that – it helps me be in that moment of difficulty. If I’m holding the pose and not connected to the goal, my experience is much different. In this case I’m thinking things like: it’s ok if I stop early; I’m not really sure I can hold it; it seems like it’s easier for the person next to me. Any thoughts along those lines would always lead me to feel very weak in the pose and usually resulted in me coming out early.

But if you’re working toward a goal, it’s necessary to sustain the activities that you need to achieve it. So in those times when you are feeling strength waning, you need to have something to help boost it. Re-commitment will give you instant strength.

Life in general wants to move along the path of least resistance: there’s gravity pulling us down; there’s water that flows downhill; there’s air moving from high to low pressure. If we want to do anything that moves against that flow, it’s going to be challenging, and we’ll have times that we feel our strength waning. I’m reading Glennon Doyle’s book Untamed, and in it she talks about “the right kind of hard.” As we face these periods, there’s something about knowing that what we’re doing is the right kind of hard; that it’s hard for a purpose. It’s always an alternative to stop, but in those moments if instead you stop and reflect on what you want and recommit, it will help you.

This is an important glimpse into quantum physics. Quantum physics responds to our observations; it is trying to create the images that we hold. In my yoga pose example, I can feel the difference. When I imagine myself staying in the pose, I actually feel it starting to happen because I see myself staying with it. When I’m seeing myself stopping, my whole world is going to start to evolve toward that. You can feel that you start instantly moving toward that outcome that you have in your mind.

That’s quantum physics!

What you’re holding as your future, you are instantly starting to move toward. It’s those moments of recommitting that will pull you along, and you’ll use the whole science of creation that exists in the world – quantum physics being a huge piece of that puzzle.

What do you need to recommit to? I know there are things you want that right now that it’s hard to keep moving toward. But I’m here to remind you – recommit, pull in the strength, see your desired future, and let quantum physics pull you toward it.


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