Are you a statistic?

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2019

I created the Logical Evolution Framework for logical thinkers who want to change their lives.  This framework is completely based on the laws of science, and translates those laws to explain how life works on our individual level – after all we are literally part of the same universe! The three paradigms of science describe three ways of living life – and which you operate by defines what you experience. If you change your paradigm, you will change how your life works – by choosing your paradigm wisely, you can create change more efficiently and effectively.

Today we use the idea of statistics to shed light for you on what paradigm you are living from. It is essential to know where you are so that you can create a plan to get the results you want. There are three ways to respond when you hear a statistic, and these reflect your paradigm. Look at this list and ask yourself where you are.

  • Paradigm #1 (Physical): You see a statistic as a sentence, and usually interpret it negatively as it relates to you. You see yourself as a victim of the statistic. You may even assume the statistic is wrong, even though it is based on actual data.
  • Paradigm #2 (Quantum): You see a statistic as a potential, and realize that there is more than one possible outcome. You also realize that you have an impact on where you’ll fall within the statistic, and that your choices matter.
  • Paradigm #3 (Coherent): You see statistics as irrelevant. You know that the life you are creating is based on what you are generating from within – how you are being and the choices you are making. You see no reason to give statistics any weight whatsoever.

Watch the video to hear an example of how this applies to a specific statistic and really ask yourself which way you tend to respond. Your ability to live the life you want is the most limited in paradigm #1 and most unlimited in paradigm #3. Seek to evolve through the paradigms through developing self-awareness and specific key skills. Opt in on my website to get more free videos and tools to help you do just that!


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