What's your mental diet?

Uncategorized May 19, 2019

As you may remember from listening to my other videos or trainings, there are three potential paradigms through which you can live life.  The laws of each of these three paradigms are at work even if you have no idea that paradigm is even there.  The benefit comes when you develop your self-awareness to the point that you can effect change on each of the levels.

The highest paradigm has to do with intention.  I’m simplifying the conversation for the purposes of this short video – but I do encourage you to find out more through opting in in on my website if you haven’t already.  Intention is the deepest level of our self-awareness, and we are often allowing that to operate in reactive mode rather than proactive mode.  And if you have an active intention at all times – conscious or not – those around you do too.  Additionally, that intention does become a part of what each of us creates.

There are a few skills you need to develop and steps you need to take in order to really be able to master your own ability to set and generate a conscious intention, and today we are not going to cover those steps – my free video series does that if you want to learn more and I’ll be coming out with a course in the fall that teaches much more.  Today, I want to bring your attention to one of the biggest ways our intention is affected, and that is through what we decide to take into our minds.

I mentioned that prior to being able to actively generate a conscious intention we are operating in a reactive mode.  This means that whatever you take in through your senses – what we decide to expose ourselves to – impacts you at a level much deeper than just the information you are taking in.

Your body is composed of what you eat – it doesn’t get raw materials to create your cells from anything other than what you eat and drink.  Period.  You decide if you want to set your body up for success or failure – health or disease – through what you choose to ingest.

The same is true for your mind.  The things you choose to listen to, watch, and read provide your mind with thoughts and intentions it will then use to create future ideas.  You have a huge opportunity to set yourself up for success and support yourself in the pursuit of your goals by choosing wisely.  You need to ask yourself what you want as far as a feeling and experience of life, and then ask yourself whether the way you use media supports that goal or impedes that goal.

For example, if you want to experience more peace in your life and less drama, you need to look at whether you are watching high drama television on a regular basis.  If so, can you replace that with a choice that is more in line with your desire for peace?  The same question can be addressed for any intention you want to experience more of.  Is it abundance and gratitude?  Maybe no judge shows or police intervention shows would be a good idea for you.  It’s really basic common sense if you actually stop and think about it, but most people don’t.  You are an uncommon person who wants to learn more about how to create a more intentional life and to actually take action on it!

You will find that as you put in more of that new intention, you will begin to be drawn to different things.  I used to absolutely love CSI shows, particularly CSI Las Vegas.  Once I’d been practicing meditation for a while, I found I couldn’t watch it anymore.  My interest in taking in those kinds of images and ideas and intentions was actually repulsive to me.  I won’t watch anything horror whatsoever.  There’s no place for that kind of intention in the life I want to live, so why would I put it into my own mind?

I hope what you gained from today is seeing a new way you can support yourself in the pursuit of your goals, and maybe you discovered some ways you are currently undermining yourself.  If you make shifts in those areas, you will free up a ton of energy to move you toward those goals!


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