Do you get mad about dumb stuff?

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2019

Logical thinkers like you and me have very discerning minds.  If we are not careful, our discernment can turn into judgement, and this blocks us from making progress toward the lives we want. 

I’ve noticed that I can get quite mad about really, really dumb stuff – inconsequential stuff in the grand scheme of life.  I also noticed that these little areas of anger are inconsistent, and don’t always upset me.  Therefore, I was able to see that it wasn’t about the thing that was happening, it was about me and what I was experiencing internally.  That’s when I realized that these moments could give me a huge advantage.  I learned to use these moments as clues to help gain important insight about things that were holding me back. 

You can do the same, and I explain how through using three examples where I’ve fallen victim to anger about dumb stuff.  Watch the video to hear how:

  • Having to wait at a coffeeshop turns into a realization that I feel that I haven’t measured up that day.
  • Letting cars in front of me at a zipper merge reflects when I am in a comparison mode in my life.
  • Picking up my dog’s poop can tell me whether I actually need more self-care and time to refuel in my life.

These areas of irrational anger are the secret messages we need to hear in order to finally reach our dreams!  Don’t let this information slip by you disguised as a judgement against someone else!  It takes just a decision in a moment to stop and decide to look at things differently.  Your whole life can change through shifting your paradigm – science has provided all the evidence of this!


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