Your Choice is Your Vote

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2019

As those of you know who have been following my videos for a while, the Logical Evolution Framework is based on levels that follow an increasing ability for developing self-awareness and taking self-responsibility.  With those two things, your ability to create what you want knows no bounds!

This week, we delve a little more into the self-responsibility part.  I will share with you one idea today that if you really realize what it means you will be able to create change where it has been eluding you.  This idea is that YOUR CHOICE IS YOUR VOTE.

You can tell which paradigm someone is in by how they do or do not realize this!  The Logical Evolution Framework outlines the three levels of life and shows you how life works based on which you choose to live by.  Each level operates according to drastically different rules, and the one you operate according to defines your paradigm.  This choice of paradigm results in how limited – or not – you are in creating the future you want. In today’s teaching, I want to explain the phrase “your choice is your vote” and how this applies to the paradigms.

People who live from the first paradigm, the physical paradigm, believe that the external world is the only level of reality.  Therefore, they think that their choices are due to the people and circumstances outside of them.  For example, they might think that they can’t choose a healthier option on the menu because the menu also has French fries and cheeseburgers on it.

Those who move beyond this paradigm to the Quantum and the Coherent paradigms realize their choices are actually molding the future rather than the opposite.  They will realize that the more they choose healthier food and people like them choose healthier food, the more companies will offer healthy options – because people buy it!  If no one buys the cheeseburgers, I guarantee you they would be eliminated.

Let’s just look at this strictly from a consumer perspective.  Yes, our world does run on money and companies run on profit.  They will continue to go where the money and profit are.  News flash – WE are the ones who give them our money.  If we become more discerning about what we wanted to support, the world will change.  We can move toward a better world by how we choose.  In these examples, our money is our vote.  We give money to things we want to grow, and we stop giving money to things we want to see end.

As a creator in your life, you need to do the same.  It is only your choices that will cast your vote for your future.  Do you want to vote for a future of great health?  Then make your choices to eat well and move your body well.  Do you want to vote for a future where you are financially successful?  Then make your choices to learn what you need to learn, and to take the daily actions you need to take.

People in the first paradigm sit and expect life to show up for them – they usually end up waiting forever.  People who realize that the responsibility lies within cast their votes for the future through their daily choices.

Today, my call to you is to look at what you vote for!  What are you voting for in terms of how you spend your money?  What are you voting for in terms of how you spend your time?  Your votes do create your future, so please make sure they represent the future you want.

I hope this helped you see things in a new light.  I would love to hear your feedback on how this helped you or insights you had!  Also, please share this with friends you think will benefit from it.  I appreciate your time and attention today.  Until next time, be your best, and keep being evolutionary!


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