Innovation or Insanity?

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2019

Today, I have something for you to ponder related to achieving your big goals: Are you approaching them from innovation or insanity?

I’m talking today about a very common trap people get into when trying to reach a big goal, including many logical thinkers. If this is you, you may be unnecessarily stuck, and I hope today’s message helps! Unless you address this question – innovation or insanity – you will continue to feel like the more effort you put forth just tires you out rather than brings you more results.

The definition of innovate is to bring in something new, to make changes in something that has been established. It’s a new idea, a new approach, a new product.

On the other hand, the definition of insanity that is pretty commonly known is thinking that doing the same thing is going to give you different results.

Even though we know this logically, many logical thinkers tend to use their energy to work harder on something when they want different results; they double down current efforts when the current efforts are not moving them forward. This is the definition of insanity – you will not get different results from doing the same things.

Therefore, if you want different results, you must recognize the need to change your approach, to move from insanity to innovation in your life.  At this point, you have to introduce something new to get new results.

There are two things that are needed when implementing a strategy of innovation in your life – clear knowledge of your goal and space – space in your mind. These two things combined create the environment for innovation.

An example we have all experienced is not being able to think of something – like the actor in a movie. We try and try but it is just not coming to us. So we go about our day, and then two hours later it suddenly pops in! Because I had a clear goal in my mind, it was still ready to find the answer. As soon as adequate space is creating from the overthinking, your mind grabs the answer.

I encourage you to do this same thing for your big goals. Acknowledge if you have been taking the “work harder” approach and decide to try innovation.

First, you need clear knowledge of goal. I think what that means is pretty straightforward. Make sure you take time to get clear. The other component is more elusive. Creating space in your mind is individual, and can be a different circumstance or activity for you. For me, one guarantee that I’ll get great solutions and insight is taking a yoga class. I become present in the moment and stop hyperfocusing on the problem – but my mind still knows I want the answer. For you this may be running or painting – anything that requires your focus fully but is a relaxing experience for you and calms your nervous system. I also find benefits from being outside, taking a walk, and enjoying nature. Journaling can be helpful as well, as long as it is not focused on your question or goal specifically but is more of a stream of consciousness approach.

Come up with some things for you that create space. You know if an activity creates space when you are experiencing the opposite of the stress response.  If you are stressed, no new answers can come in. Innovation is a big buzz word at companies right now. Innovation will never come from a schedule of back to back meetings. There’s no space for answers! At work or outside of work, if you are going from one item on your to do list immediately to the next – that’s not creating space.

So if some of your big goals have been elusive, the message today is to think about whether you are living according to the definition of insanity or innovation! There are things you can do to create innovation, set up the two conditions and see what happens!


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