3 signs your life needs a paradigm shift

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2019

The term PARADIGM is essential to understanding how to create effective and efficient life change. Just as there are three distinct paradigms in science – Newton’s Laws, Quantum physics, and String Theory – there are three different paradigms available to you in living your life.

If you are trying to make small shifts you probably don’t need to shift your paradigm, but if you are looking for major shifts – say a financial goal of earning $1000 more a month versus $10 – you will inevitably need to move into a new paradigm to have it happen.

As they discover how the world works, scientists are pushed to the next paradigm in these exact same ways. These three signs below can tell you that you are in need of a paradigm shift if you want to see the changes in life that you are looking for.

  1. You have trouble seeing possibilities beyond what you already have. One big indication that you need a paradigm shift is that you have come to believe the limits you’ve had in the past because you keep getting the same results. A paradigm will perpetuate itself – that’s actually one of its definitions. So if you want results you haven’t gotten before, you need to break out of your current paradigm. This is exactly what scientists discovered with the Double Slit Experiment (see more on this experiment at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRFQd_fkzws).
  2. Your results don’t add up. Newton’s Laws were first, and the reason for the other paradigms coming to be was that not everything could be explained using Newton’s Laws. Scientists had to continue to explore and experiment and – most importantly – look deeper to find the answers. If you are finding that your results do not seem to make sense to you, it is likely that you need to investigate using a different paradigm. If you are putting into action what you can and you are not getting the results you want, then it is time to do what the great scientists did and look with a different perspective, a different paradigm.
  3. You have maxed out your energy. If you feel like the only way to get the results you want is to work harder, yet you feel like you are already working as hard as you can on that goal, then it is a sign that you need to shift your paradigm. In the history of science, these types of situations are what took discoveries to the next level. For example, in Quantum Physics there is a phenomenon of “spooky action at a distance” as Einstein called it that cannot be explained in this paradigm. Instead of just trying harder and harder to answer something with the wrong approach, scientists are looking to the next paradigm to explain this result. In your life, if you feel like you are limited in your results because you can’t see how to get there without using energy you don’t have, what you need is a paradigm shift.  It’s like trying to get a rock over a chasm with a slingshot when you need a catapult.  You can put tons of effort into the slingshot, but if you had just changed your efforts to building a catapult instead, you’d get there with much more efficient effort. 

If any of these sound familiar to you related to the place you want to go next in your life, I recommend that you consider how a paradigm shift could help you! Opt in for the free video series to learn more about the Logical Evolution framework and its paradigms.


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