Three easy ways to broaden your perspective

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2019

There is one guarantee I can make to you if you are looking to change your life – you will have to adjust the perspective you have today.  Specifically, you will have to broaden it.

Today, I am going to give you 3 easy ways to do it – things you can implement immediately.

  1. Read! There are many choices when it comes to reading for a broader perspective.  Fiction is one of my favorites because I can actually understand the character’s perspective from the inside.  It allows me to essentially live a part of life from a completely new perspective, as if I was a different person.
  2. Ask questions – replace your assumptions with questions. Start with ways that feel accessible and help you gain insight to another’s point of view.  Simple, sincere questions can help others open up and connect with you.
  3. Train in gratitude. If we are in a complaining place, by definition we have narrowed our perspective of life to one or two things that are not going well.  At the same time, there are hundreds of things going well that we’re ignoring!  By shifting to gratitude, we broaden our view immediately.

A broader perspective allows you to gain access to greater possibilities and create better connection with others.  Changing your life always involves creating something new – something outside of your current perspective.  Cultivating a broad perspective gives you greater access to change.  I hope you choose to engage in one of these ideas right now!


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