My best piece of advice

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2019

If you want to create change in your life, this is my single best piece of advice. The advice I am about to share relates to a common trap for logical thinkers. This trap, that immediately puts a roadblock in front of you on your path to creating more, is the idea that we have to have the whole plan figured out from start to finish before we can start.

That is not the case. My best advice for you is – whatever goal you have that you are committed to achieving, start by taking a single step that you know will move you toward where you want to go.

There is a quote I love that very clearly states this advice: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

This action alone makes a huge difference in your ability to create results – the difference that can mean success or failure. I have an example from my own life that illustrates this point. I’ve trained for a marathon twice in my life. The first time resulted in quitting during training, and the second time resulted in a completed marathon with a pace I was proud of. I elaborate more in this video, but the summary version is that the first time I trained, I thought about all the runs I had to complete, when I was only in the beginning of the training. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to do a 20 mile training run in 2 months, so I quit at the 10 mile training week. The second time, I thought only about the run I had to do that day, and I trusted that run would prepare me for the next one. I made it, and that’s where I truly learned this lesson.

If you are trying to reach big goals, by definition you will not know exactly how to approach it – but you will know something about what you need to do. Let the process of taking one step at a time lead you to and teach you the next step.  There’s no reason you need to know the next step, you just need to commit to the one you are on.

I encourage you to do something today that you know will move you closer to your goal!  Let the path unfold.

Please share this with anyone you think it will benefit! Until next time, be your best and keep being evolutionary!


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