How to increase the value of 5 minutes

Uncategorized Aug 25, 2019

Today’s topic discusses a big component of being able to create more of what you want in life. Even if you start the day out well, most people end up on a trajectory they didn’t intend to as the day progresses. Typically, our attitude defaults to the happenings of the day, rather than being something consciously generated by us.

We all have the same amount of time in a day – the difference is that those who get more of what they want increase the value of their minutes. Just 5 minutes can make the difference, and today I am giving you 3 things you can implement today to bring that advantage into your own life.

We vastly undervalue the importance of 5 minutes. For me, I most notice the significance of small amounts of time when I am waiting for food to heat up in the microwave. While it seems like we can’t do anything significant in 5 minutes, we find that it is actually a meaningful amount of time when we are standing there…

What do you do when nothing is demanding your immediate attention? Many people fall into the trap of the mindless phone scroll.  Don’t do it! This is a guaranteed way of experiencing LOW VALUE minutes. Instead, this can be an opportunity for you to shift the trajectory of your day. Default trajectory = low value minutes, and intentional trajectory = high value minutes. If you take the time to pay attention to what you are experiencing, and to realign with your vision, you regain HIGH VALUE minutes.

To make your minutes high value, you must pause and ask: Is my energy right now what I need it to be to reach my goals? How you are being in the moment has the most influence on your future; it is the way you tap into the coherent paradigm. You can learn more about the details of the coherent paradigm in my course, but for today I want to give you three ways to implement this idea that will increase the value of your minutes.

  1. Listen to a song! Choose something that inspires and motivates you to be your best. I find this one especially helpful on my commute. I have a short commute, but this idea just takes one great song!
  2. Body awareness scan. Start from your toes and work upward. Notice how your body feels, checking for tension. If you find tension, send attention and breath to the area with the intention to relax it. Become present to any sensations you notice. This practice changes both your mental and physical space, and gives you a chance to clear out old energy from the day.
  3. Realign with intention. Simply ask yourself whether who you are being right now is aligned with how you want your future to show up…or not. Have 1-3 words in mind that describe the person you want to be, and bring them to mind. Picture how this could look in your life and actively generate the feeling.

These ideas are listed in order of easier to more challenging, so if you are new to this idea start with number 1. Choose to reinvigorate your day. I hope you will implement at least one of these ideas today! Please share this video with anyone you think it may benefit!


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