
Quick Start Challenge: Confusion to Clarity

Feeling paralyzed in life by doubt??? Get yourself moving confidently again!

Modeled after the scientific method, each day speeds your progress toward the life you envision.

This course is designed for you if you are in need of a burst of confidence and clarity now! These 5 days provide you with information, guidance, worksheets, and tools so you can figure out how to jump start your vision and momentum.

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In-Depth Course: Logical Evolution Mastery

Convinced that there’s a real explanation for how life works? Tired of trial and error?

This is a five-hour course that teaches you the Logical Evolution Framework – the system for creating change more consistently, effortlessly, and consciously that takes its lead from what scientists have already discovered.

This course is designed for you if you are an intelligent, ambitious, logical thinker who is determined to make your difference in the world. You have goals but lack the cohesive plan. You’re ready to leave behind the status quo and gain the information you need to achieve your dreams and live your life with confidence and impact!

Learn more about this course

Personal Coaching

Heard a lot of great ideas that you haven’t yet implemented? It takes ACTION to make a change, and sometimes the only thing missing is accountability.

In these 12 sessions, I personally take you through Certified High Performance Coaching. This research-based curriculum teaches you the habits that have been shown to improve and sustain performance and well-being (independent of demographics) and provides you with the tools and support to follow through with the changes.

This program is for you if you’re ready to make yourself a priority. You’re determined to stop putting yourself and what you really want at the bottom of your list. You’ve been waiting for “the right moment” and finally realized that moment needs to be now.

Learn more about coaching

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