"And the day came when the risk to remain tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to open."

~ Anais Nin

"When I finally realized that there are a set of scientific laws that apply to the process of personal development, my whole life changed. I want to give that gift of understanding to others."

~ Liz Antognoli

Liz Antognoli, Certified High Performance Coach, is the founder of Being Evolutionary and former NASA flight controller for the Space Shuttle and International Space Station Mission Control Centers. Earning an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s in Space Operations, Liz led her early life with a scientific approach to the world.  After years of living this way, Liz came across Eastern philosophy at a time when she was unfulfilled – despite having followed all the “rules” for happiness. Eastern philosophy immediately intrigued her since, like Western science, it advertised possessing the keys to the universe. 

After becoming a certified and highly trained yoga teacher, while working days in Mission Control, Liz discovered something that has changed her life. In fact, not only do Eastern philosophy and Western scientific principles both explain the world, but they both actually say the same thing! 

This led Liz to develop the Logical Evolution Framework TM. In particular, this system brings logic to the personal development world specifically to help students understand the laws of manifestation and evolve their own level of awareness to experience greater joy, ease, and abundance in their lives. Through applying this system in her own life, Liz has experienced shifts that previously eluded her in the areas of relationships, career, and money. Liz absolutely loves teaching others to do the same!

Interview with Liz

Read more about Liz and frequently asked questions about working with her.

My path of personal development began in earnest in 2002 with the practice and study of yoga, although looking back, it was always an interest of mine to work toward the best understanding and experience of life possible. When I first learned about yoga and Ayurveda, I was immediately struck by the sound logic of it. I began studying and practicing as much as I could, eventually surpassing all the levels of certification available. At the same time, I was working at NASA’s Mission Control Center and led a very science-centric daily life. I’d been a student of science dating back to my college education and was also very much drawn to the explanation of life offered there. What I deeply long for is an understanding of life’s Truths, and I realized that the applicability of science extends far beyond where we've kept it. It was this realization that eventually led me to become an expert in the field. By using science, life’s Truths are understandable and also practical in your own life.

I chose to become a Certified High Performance Coach because the method uses real people's experiences to provide key data-driven insights into high performance - succeeding beyond standard norms consistently over the long term, while maintaining well being and positive relationships. It works successfully with my framework to help others create change.

Back in 2002 I became intolerant of having "success" without fulfillment. I started my own dedicated journey and I’ve been working with groups and individuals on this for almost 20 years. I believe that all people deserve a fulfilling life and can absolutely achieve that with a little bit of courage and the right information. 

I work with people just like you, professionals who have been able to accomplish much in life but are still eluded by lasting, deep fulfillment. I work with people who are tired of the feeling that life is a guessing game and are ready to understand the true cause and effect behind manifestation. Those who are logical thinkers resonate deeply with me and my way of teaching the Truths that science offers. My clients often see themselves as leaders, and whether they lead a business, a family, or a community they know that by improving their own lives, they will affect others positively. 

As both a high performance coach and a rocket scientist, I have a unique combination of practical and theoretical insight that you will find lends itself to real results for my clients. With everything I teach and offer, I am able to provide tangibility to the process that allows my clients to comprehend quickly. I also know that nothing is “one size fits all,” and I am very flexible with how my clients implement the strategies we discuss. With that combination of science and spirit, I’m able to serve as a no-nonsense but supportive guide in the process of leading my clients toward their ideal futures.

The Being Evolutionary products and programs were designed for the educated, inspired person who is committed to creating effective and efficient change in their life. As an educated and inspired person myself, I love working with those who have a good idea of what they want…or at least what they don’t want…and understand that change and growth take concerted effort.

My programs provide you with the map and the directions. While I will be here to support you along the way, you will be expected to take action on the steps, and be candid in your experiences and challenges. The more you lean into the process and communicate openly, the faster you will get to your goal: creating a life that is deeply fulfilling.

I am very selective about who I work with and will gently decline the opportunity to work with those who aren’t ready for my programs and; therefore, would not get the results they hoped for.

The Being Evolutionary programs are not for those who are in survival mode in life. For those experiencing a major crisis, I recommend they take care of that first. I’ve found that those who feel they are in survival mode (dealing with major financial stress or issues that need immediate solutions) are not able to relax and allow the process time to work.

My program is also not for those who tend to blame other people or circumstances for their experience. These processes will only work for you if you are willing to take complete responsibility for yourself.

The Logical Evolution Framework is an explanation of the three paradigms available in life, and the method for evolving through them. Science has revealed these paradigms and applied them to the external world – they have seen that each time you look deeper, you find new rules for manifestation. These paradigms are also at work in our individual lives, but we hadn’t yet tapped into the wisdom they revealed. My framework closes this gap, which allows you to identify where you are, how it is limiting you, and how to shift paradigms as you’d like in order to achieve your most important goals in life. When we are in need of a paradigm shift, life can begin to feel difficult and frustrating since the approaches we used to use will cease to work. Just as scientists found that each level brought a new breakthrough for them, you will find that each level will bring a breakthrough for your life.

  • Physical Paradigm – This corresponds to Newton’s Laws, where we can make a lot of progress but eventually become limited in creating changes in life by how much time, money, and energy we perceive that we have.
  • Quantum Paradigm – This corresponds to Quantum Physics, where we begin to effect changes more quickly and easily in life by gaining self-awareness and discovering the part that we play in our own lives. This paradigm is a breath of fresh air compared to the first, but still eventually limits us in having the more big-picture life we seek.
  • Coherent Paradigm – This corresponds to String Theory, where we live life with a strong inner clarity about who we want to be as well as the ability to put it into action. Life becomes a magnetic and enjoyable process, and we have the ability to effect change using less energy.

Going from where you are today to manifesting your dreams requires learning how your body, mind, and current life patterns are at odds with what you really want – and then taking consistent, courageous action to adjust them! The Logical Evolution Framework uses tools and techniques to help you make these shifts and move you through the paradigms.

Yes. This process is supported by science and guided by your results. With an open mind and a commitment over time, you will improve your manifesting capabilities and evolve your quality of life!

Many wonderful things can happen when you apply Certified High Performance Coaching and the principles of the Logical Evolution Framework, including:

  1. Develop clarity about who you are and how you want to show up in the world and in your relationships.
  2. Hone in on specific patterns that are keeping you from your goals.
  3. Develop the ability to remain stable despite your outer circumstances.
  4. Connect the dots between what you want and what you currently have.
  5. Reduce the effect of day to day stress while you build lasting energy.
  6. Increase your influence in the world around you - at work and at home.
  7. Enjoy improvement in how you feel physically and emotionally on a daily basis.
  8. Liberate stuck energy from past experiences that have been holding you back.
  9. Ignite your creativity in new and unexpected ways.
  10. Attract more abundance into your life in every way.
  11. Find more energy and joy in your day to day experiences.
  12. Begin to connect to all the right people at just the right time.
  13. Life becomes a flow that you enjoy rather than a “to do” list that you work your way through with difficulty.
  14. Your teams, at work or at home, begin to align with your new direction as well.
  15. Increased relationship with the deepest part of yourself that provides you with an ongoing sense of well-being and strength.

Your main avenue to results is paved by the practices you will learn. The amount of time it takes to experience results is directly proportional to the genuine effort put into the practices. For some of the practices, you will notice subtle shifts immediately. For the long term results and new manifestations, these will come as you continue applying the practices. A good general rule of thumb is to expect more significant results after 3 months of consistent work.

This process is as much internal as it is external. You will see the greatest speed in experiencing results when you consistently apply the practices from the program while maintaining an open and humble spirit. Part of the shift you make through this program is a movement from a “forcing/effort” mindset to an “attracting/allowing” mindset; therefore, the way you are being along with what you are doing BOTH determine the speed of your results.

My programs are a strong investment in yourself. You make a major statement to the universe when you decide you deserve a more full and joyous life - AND you take action on it. As you progress through the training, you will see two major ways that your investment returns to you. First, you learn ways to be more impactful in less time. This gain lasts far beyond the completion of your program. How much is your time worth to you? Second, your physiology is affected by what you learn and practice. With an ability to notice and consciously shape your inner experience, you will reduce or completely eliminate chronic stresses and align yourself with patterns of sustained health. How much is your well-being worth to you? This program is centered on improving your quality of life and your results in life – not just for 6 months or a year – but forever. Only you can decide if the trade makes sense for you.

Congratulations on making a decision for your own transformation! I am thrilled to work with you on your goals if we are a fit. Currently, I am accepting applications for my personal coaching program. Please select "PROGRAMS" from the menu at the top of this page. On that page, choose "Learn more about coaching." Watch the video and click the “Apply Now” option and I’ll be in touch with you!

The best way to sample the teachings of Being Evolutionary and begin to learn about the Logical Evolution Framework and High Performance Coaching is to take advantage of all the free downloads and videos, and subscribe to the regular emails. Enter your information to any or all of the offers on my pages and you’ll begin to receive these benefits!


Dropped off in adulthood with no map? You're not crazy! Turns out, this is a reality for many of us, especially the intelligent ones. We are ready to succeed as adults, but realize we haven't been given the right map. We feel lost for the first time. In this free eBook, I dispel the 7 big myths we're told, and give you the truth so you can find your way out. Enter your info and click "Submit" to get the book now!


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