
Confusion to Clarity - 5-day Challenge

Feeling paralyzed in life by doubt??? Get yourself moving confidently again!

Modeled after the scientific method, each day speeds your progress toward the life you envision:

  • Day 1 – Problem Definition: On day 1, get thinking about what you REALLY want.
  • Day 2 – Assumptions: On day 2, discover how you’ve been getting in your own way and how to get out of it.
  • Day 3 – Variables: On day 3, learn what your outcomes are truly dependent on, and how to effect change.
  • Day 4 – Experiment Setup: On day 4, create a structure that you can have confidence in.
  • Day 5 – Evaluation: On day 5, put your plan in place and allow it to move you forward daily!

This course is designed for you if you are in need of a burst of confidence and clarity now! These 5 days provide you with information, guidance, worksheets, and tools so you can figure out how to jump start your vision and momentum.

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