Wisdom is a verb

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2020

Today, my message for you is this: wisdom is a verb.

I’m wondering – Is there anything you want to have or achieve that hasn’t happened yet…but you feel like you know how to do it and it should’ve happened already?!? If that’s the case, it’s likely that some of the things you’ve learned haven’t really become wisdom just yet.

Wisdom is a sign that we’ve incorporated what we’ve learned. So, until something’s happened, we can assume that we haven’t really, truly learned it. True learning leads to wisdom.

We can take in information, but learning is being able to actually execute on that information. At times, we may be prevented from gaining wisdom, because that needed action is connected to a fear we all have. We may fear looking at the places where we don’t know the answer and, especially logical thinkers, where we feel little bit dumb.

We have to be willing to feel dumb to become wise.

When I think back to my own situations and occasions of learning new things, this certainly plays out for me. I can understand the idea of something I’m trying to learn by taking in information. Maybe I’ve heard someone speak about it, or I’m watching webinars or reading books to figure out how to do something. And I think, “alright, that makes sense!” But then the moment comes where I have to put that information to use – and I realize in trying to implement it that I don’t actually know, I have lots of questions that I didn’t know I had until trying to use the information. I’ve only heard someone describe how to do it, but I haven’t actually done it. So, I’ve learned how someone does it but I haven’t learned how to do it myself. This is an important distinction! 

Hopefully, we are always living with future goals in mind. Those goals that haven’t come to fruition yet for you – they require you to go to another level of wisdom. I’ve met a lot of people who’ve gotten trapped in this idea that they have to take in all this information, but they aren’t learning. And they aren’t learning because they aren’t actually trying to do anything with the information. 

So, what is your next level? What is that thing you’re working toward? And how can you start to become that now; how can you put that to use?

How do you think you’re going to be when you’re more wealthy, for example? Do you think you’re going to be more generous? Do you think you’re going to be more confident? Do you think you’re going to be more enthusiastic? Whatever it is, be those things now. Work on being those things now – because it’s the blocks to actually becoming those things that are the blocks to you becoming wise in those areas. This wisdom is what opens up the next level.

I’ve seen a lot of people want the next level of their career. They think, “OK when I’m in that level of management, I’ll lead in this way.” You need to lead in that way today. Because it’s in gaining that wisdom that allows you to gain that role or that outward accomplishment.

Let the information about your desires for the future become wisdom today. You must be willing to look dumb, or to feel dumb, to become wise. So, I hope this won’t just mean something to you today intellectually, but I hope it helps you put something INTO ACTION today. I bet there’s a lot of information you’ve gained that’s ready for you to try. Run with it!


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