Knowing yourself

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2020

How well do you know yourself?

We’ve all had quite a bit of time away from our regular lives – more sequestered from others, maybe less dramatic on the outside than it was. Perhaps less busy, perhaps not, but certainly different. For me, in some ways life is a little bit more calm.

This question, then, is a really good one to be asking yourself right now. It’s a great time to be asking this because we might have more capability to really spend time with it. How you answer this question will tell you everything you need to know about why – or why not – you’re achieving certain goals in your life.

The more we know what goes on in our own minds, the better we’re going to be able to create the future that we want. Science supports this idea – quantum physics in particular. What’s going on inside our minds is literally the vision for our futures. So, if we are stuck in moving toward those places that we want to go, the answer is always going to come from self-reflection.

So what is it that you need to know? I’m talking about questions like this: What are your feelings on a day to day basis? What are your beliefs? What do you value? What do you stand for? What type of intention are you carrying with you?

These are the contributions from the universal field theory and quantum physics aspects of your consciousness – these are doing 80 percent of the creating in your life! The outer actions we take are necessary, but if the other parts are not in alignment too you will be forever held back from the goal. It’s not enough just to do the actions. You have to have the other realms of the universe working in concert with your actions.

There’s no path to the future that doesn’t come through getting to know yourself. So, I encourage you to increase your level of self-reflection. Whatever level of reflection you are at – challenge yourself to go a little bit deeper. One great way is through a journaling practice. In a journaling practice, you’re able to better hear yourself. We believe we know what we’re thinking, and we do to a degree, but when you see it reflected back at yourself, you realize its significance. You can see what your mind is consumed with. What are the topics it’s filled with? What are the ideas it’s filled with? The beliefs it’s filled with? The emotions and feelings? Once you see that, it’ll probably be very clear why life is the way that it is.

You can even journal your way toward your future by writing down the things you do want to bring into your mind more, the beliefs you do want to shift or challenge. There’s a lot of things that I’ve discovered in my mind through reflection that aren’t actually true, and definitely aren’t helping me get where I want to go. When I’ve gotten those things out in front of myself – whether it was in meditation, in journaling, in talking with a teacher or a coach – those were the difference-making moments.

Getting to know what’s in your mind is a necessary step. You can’t drive from one place to another without knowing where you’re starting. You can’t possibly get directions to San Francisco if you don’t know where you’re starting from, because in one case you need to go West and in another case you need to go South. It’s very important to know where you started from because that is what informs what the next step is.

So please, get to know yourself better. What could that look like for you? Is it a conversation with a close friend or a coach? Journaling? Sitting in a quiet space and actually listening to yourself? Let down resistance. Getting to know yourself can feel scary at times, but it’s going through that fear that’s going to lead you to where you want to go. What’s in there is already there, so actually seeing it isn’t going to make anything worse. Whatever’s there can be dealt with.

There’s a lot of stuff in our consciousness that we didn’t choose to put there. Letting go of any tendency to judge yourself is going to be key in the process of getting to know yourself. We don’t want to open ourselves to people who are judging us, and the same thing goes for ourselves. So, allow yourself that self-acceptance.

My goal is to help you reach your goals. One of the very important ways to do that is increasing your level of self-awareness. You can start right now!


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