How insulting!

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2020

Today, I want to remind you of this science-based rule of happy living: only do what you want to get more of. What we find in scientific studies is that life is organized around vibration, and for us vibration refers to the intention that we hold. By holding onto a state of intention (a state of being) – whether it’s peace, joy, or anger – we create around us similar patterns and we draw to us similar patterns.

I want to remind you of this today because it’s key in getting to the goals that you want to achieve. I’ve noticed recently in all the ways people engage with each other – this reminder is needed!

Specifically, one of the ways I propose that you start considering this in your choices is this – let’s avoid insulting each other!

I’ve noticed an interesting thing in myself too as I scroll through Facebook occasionally (which I make sure only to do occasionally because it doesn’t help me maintain my preferred state of being). I’ve noticed that when I see things that I’m happy or excited about as I scroll, I just keep on scrolling. But as soon as I see something that I think is wrong or illogical or that I don’t agree with – then I want to comment! Now, I don’t do that because I notice that tendency first and I remember this scientific law of intention. Instead, I go and find something I like, and I support it.

This is really, really important to look at if reaching your goals and living in a better world is important to you. We must stop responding with insults. If you see things you appreciate being insulted by someone, the response of insulting the thing that they like is going to keep us in this hole – even if their statement is completely incorrect. I cannot stress this enough! Responding with insults is going to keep you in a hole in your life, it’s going to keep our society in a hole, and it’s going to keep our world in a hole. Instead, we need to remember that what we put out there is what we are going to continue to experience.

Think about how we teach children. If I want my child to learn to learn to engage in conflict peacefully, then yelling at them to tell them not to yell at me is ridiculously incorrect, and it is not going to get me to this place I envision. Instead – even though it’s hard and I don’t always succeed at it – when I approach this situation with a calm demeanor, and with an intention that I want this exchange to bring us closer, then that’s what I need to be doing to create the result I want. And it does, when I’m able to do it!

Now, I agree it’s difficult, but it’s simply the only effective solution. When these situations are on social media, these are great opportunities to practice because you’re not in the midst of it, you can take some time to work through it. Practice this rule with the small things first. Stop yourself from reacting. Ask yourself: What world do you want to create? If you see a world where people can talk to each other calmly and express ideas, then engage that way. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and two insults don’t make a more peaceful world.

We must focus on how we’re interacting with others to make this world into the vision that we see. It’s really easy to find what other people are doing wrong. But really challenge yourself to look in the mirror. If you feel like there’s nothing, then I believe you haven’t looked close enough. We all have things we need to keep evolving in order to reach the end result that we want.

For me, this is the fun of life – being able to understand and evolve! My favorite moments are when I see something in a new way and then move beyond it to a new stage of my own growth.

So please take this to heart today if you, like me, see a world where people can coexist peacefully with differences, and when we can really see each other as humans doing the best we can.

Please also share this with people who might want to be part of this conversation with you, who might help you work through this, who might be a sounding board for you as you delve into these ideas. We do need the help of a community! And, use science as your logical support to help you stay focused in that direction!


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