Are you still dreaming?

Uncategorized May 31, 2020

Welcome! Today, my question for you to ponder is: Are you still dreaming?

My goal is to always help you move toward the life you envision and the goals you set using the principles of science. You have this mind that can organize information well and that can understand the workings of science – I take those same ideas and bring them into the realm of your regular day-to-day life. Science is working all the time; it doesn’t just apply to things we look at in microscopes or telescopes – science is actually helping create YOUR life as well.

The concept I want to talk about today is dreaming, or imagination. Einstein has a quote that I had a lot of trouble understanding initially. But, over the last couple decades as I’ve been developing the Logical Evolution Framework, I’ve understood it clearly. His quote is: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

In this case, I want you to ask yourself: Are you imagining your future? Are you in a creative space around what your future can be? Or, are you basing your future simply on what’s happening now or what’s happened in the past?

We’re all in a state somehow or another of pause. But your dreaming does not have to be on pause. In fact, the more your put it on pause, the longer it will stay that way. This is because the realm of quantum physics teaches us that our outcomes are drawn toward the vision that we hold. So, if you’re giving your mind only what’s happening now, it has no way to give you more. It’s literally science, and what scientists observe when they study quantum physics – how we look at things makes the outcome change. Quantum physics is saying that your future life is being determined by how you see things, and especially how you see things becoming in the future.

Whether or not you know when things are going to be different on the outside, the mind doesn’t need to worry about timeline when it’s imagining, dreaming, and creating – the mind simply needs to be in that state of dreaming. Creating the images is a separate idea from a timeline. The true nature of the universe is really not about time, and when we try to bring time into it we usually end up stalling our progress in some way.

What I encourage you to do is to first think about this question: Have I stopped dreaming in some way? Have you noticed yourself thinking of some great big idea, some exciting things about the future, but then I find yourself pulling back from that because of something you don’t know? It’s in those moments that you want to start catching yourself and letting yourself dream.

I’m someone who’s had to work at this, I do find myself sometimes holding back from dreaming if I’m not really able to be sure I can do something. But anything big, anything that’s a giant shift from where we are now, we’re not going to be “sure.” My ability to dream and imagine, while also not “knowing for sure,” has been something I’ve practiced over time. Now is a great time to practice this!

Can you get excited about your future? Can you see dreams happening in your life, just feel them happening? Let yourself be immersed in that. The more you’re able to do that, the more quantum physics can work for you.

There are three levels, which I go into detail in my course about, but quantum physics is right there in the middle. You need to have all three levels aligned with your goal in order to see it happen in the most efficient way. So, having the realm of quantum physics engaged in the future you want is essential.

So I ask you to think about this, and if you’d like to share any thoughts with me, please do. I love to engage with other logical-minded people who are looking to evolve – that is my main mission in life and what brings me the most joy.

Happy dreaming!


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