3 reasons to go with the flow

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2020

Today I am giving you three reasons to “go with the flow.” Those of us who consider ourselves logical thinkers can sometimes get a little too obsessed with the linear thinking of our to do list. However, going with the flow can actually help you reach your goals faster, and today I’ll explain how. It’s finding that sweet spot of the list and the flow that allows you to access the most efficient path to reaching goals.

The first reason to go with the flow is: energy efficiency. Think of a river. You use less energy if you’re letting your boat use the current to your advantage. Rowing against the current takes the most from you and your energy. This idea of energy efficiency is being open to how the things you want to have happen can happen in the most efficient way – understanding that your idea of the order of events may not be the best. It’s not the list that helps us the most, but the vision that helps us the most. (This is supported by quantum physics and is a bigger conversation – opt into my website if you want to learn more about that specifically.) If you are seeing what you want to have happen as a vision in your consciousness and imagination, then the flow of reality that’s happening around you will actually work to stay aligned with that. Because it’s outside your linear plan, it can guide you there in the best way possible.

This leads right into the second reason to go with the flow: access to greater intelligence. Our life organizes itself through our intention, the images, and the vision that we hold repeatedly as a habit in our minds. Because of the available scientific support of that, you can trust that your life experiences will reflect your mind – without micromanaging it! Even though we’re individuals, there’s an element of our own existence that’s part of the universal field of energy and has access to it. There’s a place we all exist within scientifically that’s connected to the whole – kind of like how we all breathe our own oxygen but it mixes with the oxygen of the whole atmosphere. How a flower grows provides an example. It’s connection to the greater field of intelligence allows it to know how much water to take up to grow, how to direct itself toward the sun, what to draw in from the soil to nurture itself.

There’s information that’s available to us, too, that exists in this universal field. By going with the flow, I’m talking about a way that we make ourselves available to receive that information. It’s like putting out an extra antenna. There’s so much that’s already happening to you in your life that’s due to that universal field of intelligence – how your hair grows and how your body digests food. Why wouldn’t you want to be able to access that intelligence for your bigger goals? The way we do that is by getting out of our own way – we do make plans but we simultaneously stay open to the nudges and twists of life.

Now, the third reason to go with the flow is simply: evolution. As we are adjusting and adapting our linear plan, we are learning. We are coming up against things that maybe surprise us, that maybe create frustration or other situations that we might normally try to avoid. But, when we address those things that are happening in the moment directly, that actually allows us to see what we need to learn to move forward. If we don’t discount those things but instead trust that they need our attention, we actually have the opportunity to change and evolve. Without change we will never get to our goal. By definition, any goal that we have is going to require some change (otherwise we’d already have it). The best way to know what that change is, is to observe your life and let the flow of it bring these things to light. When we “go with the flow,” we are being present to what’s happening in life and how we’re being called to change and evolve.

So, this is my message for you today! It’s something I still struggle with at times and that I have to remember on a daily basis. I do tend to try to plan and control…but what I’ve found is that my life feels better and works better if I balance that with going with the flow. And, the more I continue to learn about science, the more this is reinforced for me. I hope this talk helps you reach your goals more efficiently too!


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